Last minute errands and wayward syrup bottles...

 Yesterday I made a list of things that needed to be done and things that I wanted to try (recipes, for clarification) and things that I needed to get from the stores. This was not a mission that I could hand off to DH, nor did I want to drag the kiddos with me. Leaving the kiddos with DH knowing Amazon still had crucial deliveries to make was NOT an option! 

As I made my list, I decided there were things on it that DH could handle if I took the kids with me. I tried to enlist my daughter, and she agreed to help after she finished her errands. Noontime arrived without a text stating she was available. This meant the list was going to be divided 3 ways, part for DH, part for me to do today and part for me to do another day.

We reviewed the battle plan and made adjustments. It was made clear to DH that if he arrived back home first, he was to look for and hide any deliveries in the bedroom closet, likewise I would do the same. Off we went to accomplish our joint, but individual tasks.

The grocery gathering portion was mine and I could possibly do that with the kids underfoot. I sent DH to pay the final invoice to the lawyer, and to request an extra copy of the final adoption decree. He could go to the orthopedic office to get another copy of his surgical records, and to take those to the VA and resubmit them. And last but not least to do the things he wanted to do to be prepared for the cold snap headed our way! Whatever he managed to get done would be awesome, and surely leave me with less to do the rest of the week.

I would still need to go to the social security office and submit the adoption decrees and request new cards for the girls and submit paperwork to other agencies as needed. Most important to me on my list was to get the missing ingredients! I also thought I could pull off a couple of items I wanted to pick up for the older kiddo. Nope. Try as I might that didn't work. But I did get everything for groceries except I forgot brown sugar. As I prepared to drive back home the daughter finally had time to watch the youngest... I jokingly told her I was already back home, sorry about that. She immediately called and the youngest frantically yelled from the back seat that we were at King Soopers. So, I gave in and took her to play for a bit, which was good as the older and I went and got an ice cream and washed the car.

As we drove back to my daughter's home, I realized we forgot the brown sugar, so we stopped in the King Sooper's market again. From the parking lot of this store, you can see my daughter's driveway that is why the youngest was frantic, that and she really wanted someone to play with. We picked up not one but two kids and headed home. My granddaughter was to spend the night since her mom had to work the next day. No sleep for me was on the agenda.

I pulled up to the north end of our home and on the porch was a delivery. Thankfully the kids were terrified by the turkey in the yard 30-40 feet away from them and they either didn't see the package or feared for their lives more than caring to see the contents.

Who's afraid of the big bad turkey 

Apparently, every single kid in this household! Thank you, turkey, for saving the surprise. In addition to this faux pau, Amazon promised that during the holiday season deliveries would be concealed on Alexa and wrapped in prime packaging to avoid spoiling anything. Alexa was removed from service two days ago. She was revealing the contents of each delivery loud and clear for all to hear. Then I came home to DH in his massage recliner and the back porch surprise.

 the older requested this on her list

I couldn't fault DH as it may have arrived between our arrivals. Glad we have a scary turkey though! I quickly guarded the kids against the turkey and got them inside. Probably the first time I didn't chastise them for not helping unload the car. I threw the item into the car and grabbed the ingredients I needed.

Time to make the recipes! Okay really it was time to wrangle dogs, get kids doing something to keep them busy so I can make dinner. About that time my phone started ringing non-stop with accusations and garbage about other people. Luckily all that stopped, and I was able to continue on with my plans to be creative in the kitchen. At least until the Karo syrup bottle decided to give me grief.
the finished dish 

 the recipe that started the mess

the evil, mean bottle that wouldn't open

 the bottle that faced the knife for refusing to open

useless measuring point when it won't open 

 the band aid that was needed to cover the wound...

the vicious, stubborn bottle cap

I feel like there is no explanation needed at this point... but if I am wrong let me know. That was last night... and today topped that. A story for another day... good night blog.


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