It is almost April...

Still thinking there might be snow in the forecast soon. I cannot explain why I feel this. I just do. Tomorrow is my first day at my new job. It is just orientation and paperwork, but it feels adventurous! I am only an as needed worker, but I am still excited. Many things need to be "settled" around here before I can say yes to full time work outside the home. Realistically there is full time work available in the home. Hugs and kisses won't pay the bills though. I have not been to see SIL all week, DH has been there each day except today, for about 2 hours. We have been trying to adjust her to time without me. Not sure the adjustment will ever happen. I have been off of work too long to just jump back in full time and think everyone will just be flexible and go with the flow. Tomorrow I will try to stop and see SIL. If not, I'll go early Saturday and show her pictures of the house and figure out what things she would like to keep. I was really racking my pea-sized b...