42 and counting

 It is Friday and the guilt bug is buzzing about, at least for me it is. I tend to feel guilty more than say, DH, as he is not a nurturer. That isn't necessarily a bad thing, too much guilt in one house would be awful! Every day I remind myself that it was hard on everyone, and I cannot just reverse things without considering everyone involved. So, it is up to me to feel guilty!

The kiddos only had half a day of school today. Not sure why, but it is what it is. The weather is beginning to break and feel more like spring, it will only last a few days but nice while it is here. Soon I will be able to bring in a carpet cleaner and get the carpets done for spring. Just not today. Not tomorrow either as DH has to change out my radiator or risk me being stranded with the kiddos.

After a rowdy afternoon it was time to return the grandkids to their home and drop the oldest at a birthday party, we loaded up and left for town. All went as planned except, I had planned to go visit SIL while the party was going on, traffic said no. I was frustrated, and the guilt continues. This is day 3 since I have seen her. I feel that she will think she is abandoned. Not much I can do, I tried calling and the cell phone would not go through. Perhaps, the perceived isolation on my part will help her make friends, perhaps.

Sitting in traffic I watched the snow blow and swirl around the top of the Pike's Peak range. It was calming. As I drove to the skating rink, I thought of how much calmer the kiddos had been since the move. Even SIL appears more relaxed. A visit with the 9-year-old showed that. Someday I will adjust. In the meantime, I really think a job would help me adjust. Now that I am thinking ahead, a maid would really do the trick!!

Next week should prove interesting, there are quite a few appointments to go to. DH and I will complete POA's for each other and medical POA's also. We had them before the fire, and it is just time to get things in order. There have been things that make me feel "the sooner, the better". One of those things occurred today. It seems while I was gone DH managed to set off the fire alarms in the house. Could have happened to me too, but it was him. You see 2 days ago I purchased a recliner for DH. It is a nice recliner with heat and vibration and power lift. 

When I left for town, I suggested he make himself a hamburger for dinner. He did. That is what set off the alarms. I was glad that SIL was not here, although I also thought that if she were it may not have happened. The smoke was still in the air and every room reeks of overheated metal. That would be my cast iron griddle. It is now glazed. As I entered the house besides the smoke and the stench, I noticed folding chairs underneath several of the smoke alarms. I have no proof, but the evidence points to someone falling asleep in his new recliner with a hamburger on the stove.

The chairs under the alarms were placed because, and I quote, "the stupid alarms wouldn't shut off". They probably interrupted his nap as well. Thankfully, he did wake up. Today was also the day I disconnected all but one of the indoor cameras. Tomorrow will be the day they all go back into working order.

Well, it is getting late and others in the world are complaining about having only 5 kids underfoot so, I will close the blog for the night and think of ways to contribute a few more to make the whining worth the time.


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