Tuesday is often neglected

 When I think about all my tasks and what day they get done on, if they get done, Tuesday is not that day. Why would one even think of the days? I cannot give you an answer but, I can say somedays have reputations that give them more prestige. Just think about it... "thank God it's Friday", to me that implies Friday is more favored by some. Probably with good reason being the most common last working day of the week. What if like some nurses, Friday was the first day of the week that they worked? Thursday may fall into the same category as Tuesday, I am not positive but think about it, Saturday is glorified for being a day off of work but also a great day for garage sales, or shopping or just relaxing. Sunday is supposed to be the day God rested from creating the earth and its inhabitants, of course the inhabitants don't honor it by resting much, still it has a place of esteem.

Monday, although perhaps it could be dreaded by some as the "back to the old grindstone" day, it is noticed by most folks. Wednesday, is prized for being "hump" day, realizing the work week is winding down. That leaves Tuesday and Thursday without mention of their qualities. Oh, sure every few years one day or the other get recognition as a holiday, with Thursday always claiming Thanksgiving, generally Tuesday is just a plain day. When the government decided to make Monday the official "holiday catcher" is took away any chance of Tuesday claiming fame. Even I am writing this on a Thursday.

Am I perhaps, bored? Nope just avoiding starting anything that might distract me from a task that is mine to do later this morning. I thought if I wrote down some aimless thoughts, I would avoid missing an appointment by being distracted. Yesterday, I did miss an appointment by being distracted. Luckily, there was a cancellation for a bit later in the day and the child did not miss therapy. 

I realized that I put 200 miles on my car in a day just doing my normal running around, I decided to rethink how I do things. Making a list of things I need and places I have to go happens all the time. Taking the list with me doesn't. That is where I will begin, being more intentional with my resources. For quite some time I disliked that phrase, "being intentional". There is no particular reason other than overuse. The radio personalities were using it ALL. THE. TIME.  It was irritating, at best I would hear it once an hour, at worst 3 to 4 times an hour. The radio was replaced with CDs and DVDs for car rides.

My morning chicken house chores revealed no eggs this morning, the girls are being lazy. That is okay as they have given 3 and a half dozen in the last two days. I will drop some off to my kids in town today, so they are not wasted.

Well, change of plans, SIL was sent to the ER today as the staff suspected a possible stroke. The nurse was not there to collaborate their suspicions therefore the paramedics were given only the information available from unskilled staff. So off she went for a long day of testing and no food. Finally, about 2215 Thursday I convinced a nurse to ask the doctor for an enema. She let me speak with the doctor and I promised him there would be results within half an hour. Risky? Maybe, but I know my patient... er my SIL.

It was ten minutes before we had results. I rested my case with the nurse on duty and she was relieved that she was not left alone to handle the enema situation. They eventually let her have food, after the cafeteria was closed. I made what I thought would be a quick trip to Taco Bell, it took an hour including time to get back into the hospital. I had enlisted a caregiver to stay with SIL overnight, but she overslept, and arrived about 6 am. That was okay because after such a long day SIL slept through the night and did not give the nurse any challenges.

Friday afternoon SIL was discharged, and the caregiver and I returned her to her care center. Funny thing, when the nurse called that Thursday morning, I shared with her that I thought she was just too constipated, but the nurse wasn't at the building, and she had only a caregiver's opinion to go on and AMR felt it was valid. Off she went for a 5 Star Hotel enema.

The rest of the weekend was a tangle of things to get done and delivering the final message to the "Tenant" at SIL's home. After reminding her of who owned the home and explaining some of the "problems" associated with her "occupancy" she agreed to vacate by the 7th of next month.

Now to get on with this week's agenda. Working on getting a Teaching Certificate!


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