Out of the archives and week 41

 Friday was a run around in circles kind of day. It started out with getting DH on the road to Montana, it was also an actual school day, one where the kiddos went to school! That marked my last day to get anything done, that I could get done, with a two-year-old in tow. DH left at 0500 therefore it was me left to get the kids to school. I loaded the kids into the car and started my day of running around. First dropping the 3 older kids at school, I then headed over to see SIL as I had promised her that I would come right after dropping off the kiddos. 

The baby and I arrived while she was in the shower, so we waited outside her apartment. We then accompanied her to the dining room. She had taken her morning pills and it wasn't long until she was falling asleep at the table. Once I got her back to her apartment, the baby and I left to finish other errands that were on the list.

I headed back to the house to let the animals out of the barn and put away laundry. It dawned on me as I started to receive multiple text messages from the youngest child's birth mom that I wanted to check and see if the police report from the first month that she was here in Colorado would still be available. It was, so baby, and I hopped back into the car and headed back downtown to order a copy. By the time I was finished with the ordering process it was about an hour from time to pick up kids from school.

Common sense would say stay in town and find something to do until the kiddos get out of school. Unfortunately, common sense was busy and my daughter who was leaving out of town dropped her cat at my house. That in itself was not the problem. She wasn't sure how long I would be gone so she locked my "couch-eating" dogs in the house. When I leave, I generally leave them an exit, so they don't feel the need to "angry pee" as she calls it. However, in our case it is "anxiety chew". Her other cat that she did not bring to my house does the "angry pee" thing.

Back out east I drove in order to free the dogs. Once I arrived, I actually had about 20 minutes before I absolutely had to head to town to get the kids. It was the end of school before spring break for real now. I still had no major plans for the upcoming week, other than a ton of appointments and kids underfoot for most of them. 

Now it is Sunday and we have begun week 41. A few posts back I stated that I probably would never use the printer that came with the fax machine, or did the printer come with a fax, I digress. As DH prepared to go to Montana to get the things that SIL wants for her apartment, I felt it best that he takes several copies of his POA with him if needed. Turns out that printer came in handy for making some fast copies as it has a document feed tray, and the Eco tank does not.

The oldest child at home made plenty of plans for herself for spring break and they include lots of shopping and sleepovers with her friends. One is scheduled for today at 5pm. She is currently at the neighbors when she gets home a shower is in order and packing of an overnight bag. This means the dogs will be alone again while I get her dropped off. Tomorrow, I will pick her and take SIL her tax documents to sign.

The youngest decided to babysit a cat and does not want to leave the house at all. Makes all the tasks a little more challenging for sure.

Well, I best get back to churning that butter. I used a lot of the gallon of cream but still had to turn some into butter. Which we use plenty of, so I am not complaining. I also need to gather eggs today. Bye for now.


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