What a day!

 If Dr. Suess were still alive, I would be married to him. I mean it would only make sense. My whole existence is a rhyme and mostly with no reason. This week I have been shuttling the kids wherever they wanted to go, and wherever I needed to go. Plus, taking care of the animal care, the SIL care, and the house stuff. DH has been handling all the rotten stuff that has to be done in Montana. I feel for him, but he is the one who has to do it.

He arrived home tonight safe and tired. I am glad this trip is over with. He wasn't able to accomplish what needed to be done completely, but he managed to get more than I thought he would be able to do, done. On the home front I didn't even get one load of laundry done. 

Sleep came fairly fast only to be abruptly interrupted by things that go bump in the night or maybe thud is a better term. It seems that DH was going to have a rough night and share it with me. He was having another episode with a vagal response and what seemed like cardiac events to go with it. After several phone calls he was convinced by his cardiologist that it would be a good idea to get checked out. It turns out to be a mild concussion and he will follow up with the cardiologist on Friday. 

Due this chain of events I missed a visit with SIL. I made it to the facility, but she was not in the dining room, and I checked in with the head nurse to discuss her constipation. Next thing I knew it was time to go get the kiddo from horse therapy and SIL was in the dining room, but I was late so off I ran without saying hello. Not only that, but I almost missed the therapy appointment for the youngest. Luckily, they were able to give her a later appointment because of a cancellation.

It is 2134 here and he still isn't back from the ER but should be on his way soon. they told him to take it easy the next two days. They should have said work harder, he has defiance issue with authority.

So does the wind, leave the snow alone!


   and this little guy too

The little mouse better watch out for the chickens... he might make a tasty treat.

With that I must close and try to get all the kiddos and animals settled down for the night. I have an interview tomorrow.


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