How to make time fly...

Make a list, lose the list, lose the whole notepad, have company, kids in school, babysit, and try moving someone into assisted living. That is how you make time fly, because no matter how well you plan your day it will not evolve according to that plan. Our company left Friday morning. SIL was to move into Assisted Living earlier in the week but as fate would have it, Friday became the big day. The car that was damaged and sent to the repair shop was ready for pick up Friday morning and of course that is also the day that I babysit the grand kids. Oh, and add to the mix the family practice called and said go get labs because as of next Monday only active duty will be allowed to use the base lab services.

The week ended on a busy note and still has not slowed down much. The house is a wreck from trying to locate all of the things that belong to SIL and anything the company might have left and just being too busy to clean as I go. I did sleep in until 0600 for the first time in a long time. I cannot sleep much longer than that as there are 4 dogs that need to get outside each morning and well, I am the only one who cares if their needs are met. 

The good news is that SIL seems to be adjusting to Assisted Living pretty well. Oh, sure she did flood her bathroom today with the shower but that is minor, to me anyway. Okay it is a bit of a worry for 2 reasons. One is that wet tile is a fall risk and two is that she asked if she could use the vacuum cleaner that DH bought for her today, to vacuum up the water. Not sure which of the 2 things would be worse. Tomorrow, we promised to come over and have banana splits with her and provide whipped cream and bananas. It should prove very interesting. She has lost another 3 pounds this week. Probably from the chaos at my house. Hopefully, she might gain a little weight with the move, but maybe not. Dementia is not fun.

Originally, I had planned to go tonight and tuck her in but, when I left, she said I will see you tomorrow. I did not argue. Twice while I was there another resident wandered into her apartment and her reaction was one of compassion, not anger. To me that was a good sign. Most of the residents there are much older and further down the road of dementia than she is. There are a few that look younger but so far none appear to be as young as she is.

There were lots of things related to the admission process that were disappointing and held things up, but she seems okay so I will just keep an eye out for any further issues. With all this said I will close this post and get on with week 43.


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