Week 40 is half over

 Well, here it is, Tuesday, probably the most un-notorious day of the week. In my last post I mentioned several things that the weekend brought, but I did not mention our end of spring break outing to Focus on the Family. I have been taking the kids there for years as part of just our normal routine. However, since the pandemic, our house burning down, moving three times and life in general we had not been in at least two years, maybe three.

We arrived a little bit later than I had wanted to because of all the things that had to be done before we could actually go. The day started with DH planning to go to Men's Breakfast at the church. He did not go because our dentist, number 6, had made him an appointment for 0730. That left me to return SIL's room key to her. Somehow in all the fun on Friday, we kept her key ring. It wasn't terribly important as the staff can let her into her apartment, but her med binder, that we use, and they, actually use it too, was locked in her file cabinet. Luckily, the head nurse was there and was able to print up an extra sheet for her to use until we could get her keys back to her.

Sadly, she did not fully cooperate with the giving of the pills that first night. With a phone call I was able to talk her through the process. The plan was to have her keys to her before morning. Didn't happen. The kids and I left for the trip over to SIL's, on the way we had a math lesson, we stopped to get donuts and drinks and the kids had to do the transaction. We purchased muffins for SIL to share and dropped them off to the person on duty. Our next task was to go take care of the cat that angry pees. A side trip to the store for milk and dog food and we were on our way home. 

By the time we got the milk home and headed to our planned destination it was after 1pm. We went anyway and had lots of fun. It was the first time that I was able to do the 3-story slide. I screamed like a baby and will probably never do it again, but it was fun. Lots of memories in that place!

We did more that day, but I didn't catch on my phone. I'll share more of the weekend in another post, someday!


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