Drama and then more drama

 Lately my life has been overflowing with drama. On the SIL front and the adoption front, tempers are brewing. People who weren't able to do what needed to be done are now demanding their rights. Where are the rights of those affected? Perhaps there are no rights for them? I am not sure; I have never enjoyed conflict. Also, I have never enjoyed seeing people being taken advantage of. Unfortunately, it seems the two often go hand in hand.

How do I get myself into these situations? Justice and concern that's how. Now where did I put that wine cork thingamajig? I know where one of the wine bottles is located. Opening it is a challenge. My daughter suggested a hand drill if I couldn't find the thingamajig. After folding three baskets of laundry and putting them away and filing all the loose papers into the filing cabinet, I could use the thingamajig.

Paperwork is my mortal enemy. Apparently a little over 9 years ago I failed to send the parents a copy of the guardianship paperwork. Nowhere in the paperwork did it say I had to. It says I must send all interested parties a report each year to the last known address. I did that. Can I prove it? Nope. I sure cannot. My house burned down, and it only required that I put the reports into the mail. No certification, no return receipt... nada. Should I have done something like that? Probably, or at least in hindsight, yes. 

Should I have bought a wine thingamajig? Yup. Did I? Yup. But where it is remains a mystery. The drill is on top of the egg fridge, but it seems to be not the right time. Tomorrow, I have a ton of things to do. So, wine will have to wait.

Although the retirement of the kid's partner is reason to pop a cork!


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