Finally, the other shoe drops...

 It is the second morning wake up for SIL in the memory care and she decided that she wouldn't care to take the pills today. My fault entirely, I am the one who started her with a list of pills for each time and she ran out of lists. When they called, they also stated that she didn't think the color of the pills would work either. We made it through that first little challenge but that was always a warning signal here for bigger things to come. I let the wellness director know.

On to some of the details of the past week:

Friday was to be move-in day. It should have been Monday, but I couldn't get it together. I struggled with the paperwork because it had the wrong room number it and I didn't want to sign it. Finally, I did sign it and continued with my crazy week. With that Monday ended. Tuesday was not productive, and I did not hear back from the facility on the paperwork problem.  

We arrived at the center on Thursday and the apartment that we had chosen was not ready. The young man made a call and stated he would just get it done himself. He hung up and stated that he did have another room that was the same set up that we could look at. So, we went over to room 105 and it was the same set-up, however it was not lost on me that the room number was the same room number that was "wrong" on the initial contract. SIL seemed okay with it, and we went ahead and put her things in there. I was frustrated, I felt I had been totally tricked. We had already paid the rent for the month, and I was tired of looking at places for her to go. I was in need of a break.

The room itself was dirty, the shower had something in it that resembled the smears that I found on the walls and in the closet. I was promised that housekeeping would be right over. Two hours later they had not arrived. I cleaned it myself. We dropped off the things that we had brought with us and headed home to get settled for the night ahead. That was Thursday. That night was a rough one. Of course, we needed it to be a smooth one so that we could get going super early the next day. 

Friday was busy to say the least! Just read a few posts ago and it is explained. Today I sent DH to deliver things to his sister and visit with her. He visited, they had banana splits, and he returned home...with the items that he was supposed to deliver. Never send another to the job you should do yourself.

The facility was kind and left her some of her favorite treats like ice cream and cherries. That made her pretty happy. Today the maintenance man hooked up her television and may have hung some pictures for her. I am not positive on these things as I did not get to go visit her. Perhaps tomorrow I can get over there and visit for a bit. For now, I must locate a hairbrush for the morning routine. 

At least I have uniforms ready for the school week!



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