Yearly physicals for oldies

 Today was my yearly physical. It was nice to get out and have a purpose. Okay I almost missed it as I had other tasks on my mind and luckily, I wrote it on the calendar. Even more lucky that I looked at the calendar last night and noticed the entry. Hmm... and to think I made an appointment on National pie day. 

I had meatloaf planned for dinner, not pot pie. Perhaps I could make a Lemon Meringue pie. I'll check my cupboards and figure out what I have on hand. Time has slipped past my reach so it will be either apple or cherry pie. It is time to put the potatoes on the stove.  I have no energy today and a pie even seems far-fetched.

Oh well, back to the day. I asked DH to go and get some frozen fruit to drop off to the care center for smoothies for his sister. After much procrastination about leaving to do this before his other tasks were due, he finally left. I called him to make sure he would make it back to the school in time, if he couldn't then I would head to the school and get the one child that did go today. It seems he ran out of time, so he did not go to drop off the fruit and the yogurt. He did buy them, just no time left to drop them off.

That means that tomorrow I will have to go there and take care of that delivery. It is okay though as I need to replace her laundry hamper with a new one. She has started with some of her behaviors that I noticed here. It is okay though as they are a locked facility so she can be awake all night and rearrange her room to her hearts content, or her delusions content whichever is present at the time.

Last night I prepared some stuff for the freezer so that I would have less work later. Not sure how that will work out, but it might. I used one of the meatloaf mixes today.

These are for Taco dip night and taco salad night

Meatloaf mix I had extra pans, so freeze and bake

There is a meatball recipe that this can be used for so...

 These will make a few nights easier over the next 2 weeks

Believe it or not everyone was too full of dinner for pie! So tomorrow will be our unofficial pie day.
Chicken is on the menu for tomorrow and of course pie! Maybe pot pie too? there were enough potatoes left today for it... tune in tomorrow and maybe you will find out what we have!


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