She likes Family Feud!

 Today I finally was able to visit with SIL. She appears to be adjusting to Assisted Living a lot better than I am adjusting to her being gone. When I arrived at the facility, she was walking back to her apartment very casually in a pair of socks and her Helena high school t-shirt. One of many that she has from Nicky's kids. She was smiling and carrying a glass of something to drink. As she headed back to her apartment, I caught up with her and she seemed very happy. Not just to see me either, she had played Family Feud with activities, and she loved it! She actually was the player that knew the most answers, they found her sweet spot! Winning! Things are not as much fun when she isn't winning though.

I was curious to see what the maintenance man had actually accomplished in her room. Well, he took down all the pictures that I had hung and placed her new television about 2 feet above her desk. I can live with that. Annoying that he took down pictures and did not rehang them somewhere else in the room, but whatever. He also did not disconnect the smaller television that had been in the room. It still sat precariously on her small dresser. I removed it and put into the box that the larger one came out of, because it was still there in the floor.

After rehanging the pictures in different places, I took a quick peek into the fridge and into the cupboards for any needs. SIL asked me if she had been having any problems during the night, I relayed that I had not been told of any but that I would ask the night staff. The day staff reported that they had not been told there were any events. I could tell something had gone on, because all her things were moved to different places.

Her clothes hamper was collapsed and had signs on it stating how to do her laundry. I suggested I go buy her 2 separate laundry hampers or baskets. She agreed that might be better. All of her towels for the bathroom except her grey striped ones were in the very top of her closet. A pillow was torn, and some pillowcases were in a "get rid of" stack. I thought she was going to bring up that they weren't sanctified, but she didn't. That is a story for another day.

An aide came and invited us to do something SIL stated she needed to use the bathroom. I told her I would meet her at the activity. While waiting for her to arrive I decided to ask the nurse a few questions. She also denied any knowledge of nighttime activities. The Qmap stepped over and stated that she worked the nightshift one night and SIL had come out of her room asking if they smelled anything. Bingo! Sensory hallucinations are occurring! That at least supports the changes in the room of her stuff being moved around. Not that it really needed any support, organizing and sorting is what she does.

Time continued on and I asked an aide to check on her in her room. My theory was that if I went in and she was done then she would not come out and participate. I asked the girls to tell her that I needed to go as she wasn't finished in the bathroom. I left with a better feeling about the situation and our roles to each other.  Now off to find a simple Fax machine for home.

A quick stop at Office Depot showed that they carried simple machines but did not have any in stock. Of course, they had the pricier ones in stock. As the clerk showed the machines to me and went on about their qualities, we came upon a machine made by brother. It was typical of the machines from back in the day and had the handset for the phone feature on the machine. This was a stand-alone laser fax machine. The clerk was amazed. Look! Oh wow! It has a phone right on the machine!! Now, I was amazed! There is a whole generation of humans that have no idea how fast technology is moving. What if the world stopped for a day? How would they cope?

Years ago, when I was assigned CQ duty with a young private, the internet went down, and he could not log other soldiers in and out of the barracks. I was astounded back then that he did not even consider taking a pen and a piece of paper and creating a "manual" log. Now this, a kid who has never seen a fax machine with a phone. I think I need to go crawl back under my rock.

I ended up buying the Epson MFP

None of these in stock

or these, not even a display

I chose to go with the MFP because it could serve as an extra printer if needed. The stand-alone fax was the same price and well, it is stand alone. Perhaps better for the needs but toner is just as expensive as ink. It was a struggle to decide if that makes any sense, I really like my eco tank printer and I doubt I will ever need the other printer but for the same money...

Now that they are both set up and I have figured out the printing problem with the regular printer, I will close and get ready for the day ahead.


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