Another silent day...

This morning I sent out many messages and emails. In return I received .... silence. I did discover that my two-year-old grandchild can turn the internet off. It took calling the new company to see if there was an outage to discover this. Time to move the router. The little one made sure that the whole day was devoted to entertaining her. We made smoothies; they were very good, so we made them again today. 

All the ingredients in the blender 

 A whole container of yogurt

A splash of juice 

This is what was on hand

Some frozen fruit with a little honey

All of that equals some yummy goodness for the tummies today. We are having another snow day from school, and it is just as well. I didn't feel like going out anyway.  I have lots to do here if my knee will allow it. It has been on the aggravated side for a few weeks. It really puts a damper on things at times.

But on to better things. I plan to clean the youngest child's room today. Plan being the key word. With kiddos home from school pretty much nothing goes as planned. Today was supposed to be an outing with SIL but the weather isn't cooperating. I will have to call her and let her know. I told DH we need to have her overnight now and then and he didn't even let me finish the sentence before he was saying absolutely no way! Not saying it calmly either. His fear is she won't go back to her apartment.

On snowy days like this I wish we had gone with the more expensive place that is closer to us by about 5 miles. But without having her house sold we have to make sure the finances go as far as they can and give her the best quality of life at the same time. This facility offered much more of an apartment home-like setting as opposed to a hotel like environment. I am disappointed in the admit process, but I get that people get busy and things get missed.

Well, the snow day is on. It is going to be a never-ending day of grazing for the kiddos. The youngest is back for another snack, her third one. I best get busy before the day slips away and it is tomorrow. No shortage of cleaning to get done.


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