
Procrastination... the one thing I am excellent at, and it is so annoying! Take today for instance, I have known since Saturday that kid gift exchange would be today. So why are the kid gifts not wrapped and ready to go? One reason is because they were not all made yet. I did finish the gifts for the teenagers today and of course I need to go to the bank and get some cash to put in with the little things that I made them. Cash is not a gift I like to give; it feels like it doesn't take much thought. Of course, teens like cash but they must suffer with a little handmade gift from Gramma to get the cash.

This year it is ear warmers. Now these don't take a whole lot of time to make under normal circumstances. I do not live under normal circumstances anymore. Procrastination has taken on a whole new meaning for me. Truly, I am able to finish more if I stay up later at night but most nights, I am too tired to do just that. So, here it is the day of, and I just finished the two ear warmers that I finally decided on.
Matching sister, brother ear warmers!

Just exactly what two teenage siblings would not want! But Gramma had to make something! I just took procrastination to a whole new level! Now to go wrap these and some other things that could have been wrapped two or three days ago.
The day is over, I survived another year. Unfortunately, we did not get to play the games as planned. I feel guilty when I do not take SIL with me. I regret it when I do take her, and she jumps out of the car on me.
These were the finished items as given, but after having gifted them, I thought of a better method for sewing the bow one. I have another set ready to finish so I am going to try it. 

Once we arrived home, we did presents with SIL she was finally seeming good as in slightly more normal than not. I thought this might be the best time to try to include her in the holiday. As she and I wrapped a couple of gifts to give on her behalf the phone rang, it was her POA. I took the opportunity to go in the other room and wrap a gift I had purchased for her. Bad idea. I heard the table as it slid and then two crashes and then a third. I couldn't run fast enough. On arriving in the kitchen, I noted SIL on her back with her head against the island and two chairs flipped on their sides. No blood and she was conscious so here's to hoping all is well. She claimed no injury and could tell me that she fell but not how. She remained awake the rest of the evening and we had dinner. Homemade chicken nuggets, fries and steamed broccoli.
The kids and SIL really like homemade chicken nuggets and they are a fast dinner. We ate, tidied the kitchen and tucked SIL and the kiddos into bed. It is time to close the blog for tonight and stop PROCRASTINATING!!!!!


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