More "securing" of the doors...
DH has been awakened to someone "rummaging" around in his room for the last week or so. He really thought he must have been dreaming as I had not heard anything. I did not accuse him of dreaming because I sleep in the other room in order to hear SIL if needed. Of course, I have been awakened for "less than" necessary things this past week and I started shutting the door at night not just leaving it cracked. So, it is quite possible she "visited".
Early Christmas morning the evidence appeared. She indeed had been in the room foraging! The bag of items was left on the living room side of the hallway gate. Nothing important, but still DH was aghast that his sister would be roaming around in the night. I didn't want to disappoint his imagined world, but she is all over this house all. night. long. every. night.
While SIL and I were making cookies, DH managed to swap out the door handle from the main hallway bath with his bedroom door handle. He locked himself in at bedtime. Although it is just a simple bath door lock it did the trick. This morning I was up early and of course not earlier than SIL I greeted her with a smile and a warm hello and went to the kitchen and setup the coffee actually refreshed and ready for the day, realizing I could lock the door I jumped into the shower! You may think this weird, why would I have to wait? Usually, I am the last to get to shower or spend ten minutes doing self-care, not today!
I even made breakfast, changed her bedding, put in two loads of laundry and got to have breakfast myself! Miracles will never cease! Now to show you a few shots of "fun" things I did this morning. But first the unappealing shots of dinner last night.
Not much for fancy this time. If I tried, I would probably have either no help or waaay too much help! We will eat this for lunch today. Now for the fun breakfast stuff! The kiddos wanted an array of food. Pancakes, waffles, eggs and cereal. I complied. I made the batter, heated the pans and the waffle iron and poured cereal. To add to the mix, I heated a couple of slices of ham.
Ta Da! An egg, ham and waffle sandwich!
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