Early to bed, early to rise..

 I wonder when the early to bed starts. If I don't stay up to get the little things done or get up super-duper early, then they won't get done. Super-duper early would be nine o'clock the night before. Three months into our new living situation, I have learned to be very quick at doing some things that used to take me forever to do because I didn't care if it got done or not. Now I get it done because I don't want to listen to the questions of "where does this go?" or "why do you have two spatulas?". I know this is only meant to be helpful, but it goes back to time. Some days I have the time to have help and be slow. Most days I do not.

Today is babysitting day. It will be very noisy here and chaotic. That can be distressing or ignored, time will tell. So far, the girls have only argued for an hour of the 2 that they have been together. Well, a swat was needed. I really hate when I end up having to give swats.

Everyone is tired from the nighttime interruptions. The 9-year-old is the one most often in trouble, as the day drags on and she becomes more and more tired she provokes others, works hard to stay awake and avoid missing anything! The pranks are hilarious even if only to her.

As SIL battles for ground in the kitchen I write this post. She also, fights sleep and tries her best to occupy herself and keep as much attention on her as possible. Today one of her frustrations is that I am making the kids re-use the drinking cups from lunch. The problem is that the cups are on the counter. SIL cannot have dishes on the counter, I, on the other hand, I am not the least bit bothered by it. I am bothered by constantly washing cups that could be easily rinsed and used by the same drinker in the same afternoon.

This act of rebellion on my part has sent her scurrying around the kitchen trying to find something to clean. She stood in front of the refrigerator with the doors open until the beep stopped beeping, it was only DH that was able to come in and say, "shut the door" and get any results. She then turned the timer on to cook air in the air fryer (which is kept unplugged for this very reason). Him telling her to leave it alone only encouraged her to look for the outlet to plug it. They argued, he won. She then started to rummage through drawers to find something else to do. He made her sit at the kitchen table in order to watch a movie. The movie is still playing, and she is wandering around the island... lost.

I need a hobby. 

The afternoon is over, and she has not sat down once, nor put her legs up. As I type, she stands to watch Downton Abbey. I was able to get the baby down for a nap and I was in the master bedroom 10 minutes rocking her to sleep. Do you know how many things someone with dementia can get into in 10 minutes? Not to mention the spectrum kiddo and the ADHD kid were into mischief themselves. I cannot believe the energy SIL is exhibiting this day. After not being allowed to fiddle in the kitchen because there were no dishes save the cups of the children, she decided to empty the refrigerator and cook. Three dishes crashed to the floor; I came out to see what had happened.

SIL looked at me as if I had no business in the kitchen. When she explained that she was hungry and had not had lunch, oh and would I like for her to cook me a taco, I told her I would warm her a taco in the microwave. Moving quickly, I put what she hadn't dropped to the floor into the oven and started making grilled cheese for the girls. Again, she asked if she could make me something to eat. I reminded her that we had finished lunch 30 minutes ago. I was indeed full, and she was indeed hungry. She proceeded to open two puddings and devour them with childlike joy! She also finished two full tacos and about a liter of Dr Pepper. Poor thing is so full of sugar now she can't possibly sit still!

Of course, the rest of the afternoon had been busy with kiddos, so no energy lost on a nap! Now that supper is in the oven and the chickens are being shuffled into the barn and the baby has been picked up by her daddy, I could sneak in a nap and let SIL handle things... or fall. Nope, not going to let that happen again tonight if I can help it. Last night was fall enough for several nights. I will call this a post and finish supper. Tomorrow I must bake a cake for the birthday of today.


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