The eve of New Year's Eve

 Thursday is not normally a babysitting day, but it is a holiday weekend. Next week I only babysit two days so that will be nice. I plan to pick up a shift working and have a babysitter or companion, whichever way you want to look at it, here at the house. My house is currently a disaster zone. Kids home from school, baby playing with whatever she can pull out of the cupboards and sewing projects laying everywhere! 

This morning as I got up to get my day started, as I left the bedroom, I noticed the gates were open as well as the door to DH's room. Further into the living room area there were pillows strewn about. If I hadn't kept the dogs in the bedroom all night, I would have blamed them. The truth is it was SIL. I immediately checked all the exterior doors and found them secure. I went into the master bedroom and got the tray of meds ready to fill all the pill compartments. As I entered the bathroom to set thing up, I noticed all the drawers and cabinets were opened up.

Yup, SIL was having a party and it wasn't two doors down. She was all snuggled in her bed when I checked on her. Of course, the doors still being secured meant she was still in the house... somewhere. It is now later the same morning, and she remembers a dream she had about having a party here. I assured her it was a small party only one guest, her. She asked if it was a dream and did, I have the same one? Seems I did not have the same dream. The extra pillows in her room have become a nuisance so I put them in a trash bag and put them behind the piano.

Now to settle a tablet dispute. Done. Breakfast has been served to everyone now and SIL is wandering looking for something to do or get into. She has had 3 close calls in the last 40 minutes alone. Oh, my goodness she just won't leave well enough alone! Just had to stop her from trying lift a big old trash can above her head! Luckily, she stopped when I asked her to. Usually, a request to stop whatever she is currently doing results in an urgency on her part to complete her task even faster.

She headed to the bathroom and informed me that she would not even try to remove that trash bag! I think I hurt her feelings, but better than cleaning up blood from a head injury. Fast forward about 4 hours. We have had cake for DH and sent the youngest kiddo home with DD in an attempt to spend the night. I fully expect to be heading into town about 8ish to go retrieve her. Right before they left, I made a pair of training pants for Maddie. They are not stylish, but they will do the trick.

This was before trimming and elastic was added.
I know it isn't much for a project for a whole day, but my day was incredibly busy with SIL and still is as she has been assisted to her bed five times in the last 15 minutes. She is having anxiety of some type. I wish I knew what makes it better, because I would do it. I wanted to take a short nap with the kiddo gone and hopefully SIL laying down for a rest (which isn't happening) She is back at the door of her room... again. 

I cannot take a nap if she is up wandering. Unless of course I shut the house down as if for bed. Back at the door. Good grief it is going to be a long, long night. I have decided to make another pair of pants for the baby. The above pair are not very feminine. A pair of pink ones would be very cute. At the door, again. It would seem it is not going to be a night to sew. 

Perhaps I can draft a better pattern instead. Well, I will close the blog for now.


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