Lost hat found!

The lost Santa hat has been found! As I tidied the card table in order to lay out material for sleep pants, I uncovered the missing hat. At least I found it before the holiday was over! For safety I will place it with the "Frosty" hat.

It is down to the third day before, am I ready? Haha, ha-ha, No, not even close. Okay maybe a little close. I have been looking for resources to help my nine-year-old cope. As it stands, she has pretty much lost every present if I were to actually follow through on every threat, I have made in the last two days alone.

It hasn't helped to have me babysitting on top of stressing out with SIL not sleeping at night and not being able to do the gift wrapping or sewing or anything like that. It just makes me a little short tempered... okay a lot short tempered. Which is another reason I am not fond of holidays. It brings back memories that are better left buried.

I used to subscribe to a "gift rule". Each kiddo got 6 things and there had to be 1 game, 1 book, 1 outfit, 1 item the recipient really wanted, 1 item they really needed and a craft of some type. Then of course their stockings that would have little items that were very personalized. The girls have become very used to too much. It is a very hard to break tradition.

This year we are closer to the "gift rule" than any other year. the oldest may indeed be sad as her request list was a full page back and front. The younger only asked for a pony. I suggested she go hog wild and ask for something she might really get! At the top of her list was a vehicle of some type... hence the request for a pony.

We have been down the pony road and the llama road and a multitude of other animals. A hoverboard is more reasonable at this point. It was requested, that or a moped. I purchased the hoverboard and it sits in the basement waiting. In the meantime, she has told everyone and their neighbors that she wants a big box of fidget toys!

So, what do I do with the hoverboard? I did find a bunch of fidgets to make a big box full. I am at a loss on this one. Not to mention she cannot behave to save herself from the threats of no gifts. 

It is now the eve of Christmas Eve, is that really a thing? Kind of. I have decided just this morning that I would refuse to participate in the "Christmas panic" that hits each year at this time. SIL and I made some cookies and some candy, we would like to make more. It may happen, it may not. Partly because I am a control freak and partly because well, I prefer to make things once.

Good morning, this should be a separate post, but it has been a long night. It is in fact Christmas Eve. Most of the gifts are wrapped and nothing is sewn. SIL and the youngest are back to sleep. I think in five minutes I will join them or start sewing. I am not sure which will happen first. 

I do know I will set this to post for sure. Have a Merry Christmas and make lots of memories! We are...


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