Tired of repeating...
If there is one thing, I do a lot of it is repeat myself. Not so much to the kids but to SIL. Even when I talk slow and short sentences there is a need to repeat. For example, we have baby gates across most open entrances to keep the dogs from roaming into the bedrooms or down the hallway. Every time she goes through a gate, she has to ask permission and then she asks if she needs to leave it open or close it. The answer is always close it. I am getting good at my script. Today there was a variation. Normally she would prefer to take a shower twice a day. If this did not require my direct supervision and take anywhere from 45 minutes to two hours, I could say yes. But alas it does. Today however, she was not willing to get into the bathroom, much less the shower. She was sure that I had someone in there waiting to watch her. We waited to take that shower. As I type this, she is 7 inches from my keyboard. She has finally been in the shower and had the 1pm meds and pretty much freak...