Three days in

 It is the third day of the new year and already the system is being challenged. The youngest wants to go to a different school, the oldest can't stay off the phone with her friends and SIL has thrown away another gift. This time it was a little water fountain that my daughter had given her. She does these things when she is in that "state".  The other day when I pulled the laundry out of the dryer there was evidence of another "cut up" piece of clothing.

I had planned to take SIL to see a couple of assisted livings today. My daughter talked me out of it. It probably is best not to show her places that are not ok to move to. I spent my morning waiting in line at the pharmacy. I really should have brought in some yarn I could have made an afghan in the length of time I sat there. One lady got her ticket then went into the barber shop with her two kids and got them haircuts. I sat, bored out of my gourd, yet content. Same lady came out checked the number on the "now serving" display and then took the kids into the Bx and did a bit of shopping. She then took them to the food court and got a bite to eat while they continued to wait. It was a long wait.

To catch you up, over the weekend we had homemade pizza night, and everyone has to make their own. Here are a few shots of that.

My attempt at a calzone

This innocent rolling pin was wet with sauce

 I found the hard way 

The finished product for the oldest 

Her professional stance at cutting

The initial set up 

How quickly the mess spreads

SIL making her pizza

and trying to watch tv too

the oldest being "careful" NOT! 

nice and neat

really, this IS neat for her

it really WAS clean at the beginning

It was delicious!

On Monday after the pharmacy, I arrived home to DH going out of his head with having to take care of the girls and SIL. He was quite terse when I arrived. Wait until I tell him I am going back on Friday or so. ;)

Well, it is time to fast forward a few days as it is already the first day of back to school. The youngest gave me fits about going and so the struggle continues. Over the weekend I was able to do a little organizing in the master bedroom. Today I should take advantage of the kids being gone and SIL being asleep to go down to the basement and organize a bit. First, I must make a list!

Okay, first I must finish this post then make a list. There have been a lot of firsts this month for this house. I must be settling in, finally. I actually joined the pantry challenge this year so that is also a settling in sign. For one month, usually January, you try to eat only out of your pantry and/or freezer. There are no rules or time requirements. It is totally up to you. I started it and so far, 5 days in we have not "grocery" shopped. Now this does not mean that you cannot shop, or you need to go without something. It is just a fun way to rotate pantry items. Everyone fails to rotate items once in a while. This reminds you to use up stuff that has been well, sitting on the shelf or in the freezer a bit long.

Yesterday, after having talked to a friend that I had not reached out to for a long time, I decided to make a recipe that she shared. I was super excited as our menu has been boring! She shared options for noodles or rice. The noodle option sounded perfect, except that I had no egg noodles in the pantry. Lots of other noodles, but no egg noodles. I decided to make some. I have the knowledge, the ingredients, and the fun equipment so why not?

skinny and wide noodles drying

wide noodles on the island

the machine in action

rolling out the dough

this part was fun for me
the results of the recipe with the homemade noodles

The initial prep had SIL worried because I did not use "laid that day" eggs. She left the room and missed out on the experience. Surprisingly she did eat the noodles once cooked. Not only did she eat them she said they were good. So far, she hasn't feigned any illness either. That turns out to be a common thread in her behaviors. If she doesn't care for what is offered or she thinks something is too close to the "use by" date, she becomes "ill" if she gives in and consumes it. 

Oh well, I can deal with that. Today is a new day and I have lots to do! Therefore, I close this post and wish all of you the best week ever!


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