get 'er done!... or not

Today started as early as any other. The plan was to drop the kiddos at school and head to the pharmacy to pick up some meds. My first mistake was leaving in a rush. I didn't take my ID so no going to get those meds. Not willing to waste a trip I headed to the little Walmart market. Originally, I planned to pick up just some yogurt for the kiddo's lunches. The kid's do not like yogurt with the fruit that is visible, aka homemade. Someday I will figure out how to make it palatable to them.

The trip turned into a "I am here I may as well pick up what I know I'll need" moment. That could save trips later. Yesterday I grabbed 3 gallons of milk. Soon I was leaving with 8 boxes of spaghetti noodles, (yes, I know I can make them) 12 cans of spaghetti sauce, 4 1-quart containers of yogurt, 6 large jars of cinnamon applesauce. Oh, and when I started unloading my basket at the car, I discovered that I had shoplifted a pack of 3 x 5 index cards. Yes, I did return them. I drove to the front of the store and illegally left my car running with the door open and ran into the store apologized for stealing and ran back out.

This was the most recent of the "pantry challenge" dinners. Now just because I went shopping to the tune of $58 and some change, does not mean I am done with the challenge. I just felt it was prudent to go ahead and get a few things while I was already there in town.

It has been lonely without outside contact and taking care of a sick little. I even made DH stay home yesterday and help with SIL as I was not sure I could handle both. Physically, yes, mentally no. I was scheduled to go to an interview today too and they cancelled me. There is another agency that is pestering me to go to work, so they may be my only option at this point. Or reinventing myself.

I have thought of starting a new adventure many, many times. Unfortunately, I am a bit on the lazy side. Remember that sewing project from the last post? Yes, I do too! I made a pair of left-handed mittens! I am sure they must be a rare commodity. I really have never seen any in the stores... and I have been to a lot of stores over the years!
Now try hard not to be jealous of these one of kind "lefty" mitts! Today did not bring any new recipes or projects. Well, save for cutting out material for a set of "righty" mitts. No telling when they will be sewn.


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