How many days does it take?

 It is the Wednesday after the baby's party and we are still in a state of dementia and disorientation that cannot be riveled by anything other than the full blown out episodes of delusions that we have had at times over the past three months. I probably did not help things last night by deciding to clean the pantry and rearrange all the cupboards.

This cupboard used to hold a whole lot of half gallon mason jars with assorted baking contents. The small appliances weigh quite a bit less and I don't use them often enough to worry about having to use the ladder to get them.

This cupboard used to be piled even higher, so this is an improvement

The mason jars landed in here and the baking cupboard moved to the laundry room, yes, the laundry room. It seems that SIL has a sweet tooth in the wee hours of the morning, and she managed to find the chocolate chips, the sprinkles, the Hershey kisses. Funny, she left the red hots alone! But I felt with her being a diabetic it would be best to relocate the items that may be just too tempting.

This too, is better, trust me
This was the snack cupboard, still is but bare

Most of the snacks had been opened and were stale, other than pudding cups, cookies and Jell-O packs that had to be moved to the new lunch cupboard in... you can probably guess! Yup! In the laundry room. Hard to make lunches when the cupboard gets raided. Or the chips are too stale to enjoy. Not to worry though I will find something to fill the void. 

I really should have taken some before pictures, but I was in a time crunch to try and finish. Did not make the time crunch and poor SIL had to tolerate the leftover mess on the counter today too. I managed to get everything into the laundry room, but it is not organized yet. I am still emptying those cupboards and of course the contents are partly on the island. Not everything, but some of it. Tomorrow I will get it finished. 

I have 5 audits to do over the next 4 days. So, it may take more than tomorrow to finish all the cupboards. I really enjoy doing these. It gives me a break from being at the house. Well, the night has ended early, and I need to get to bed myself.  DH had to fend for himself at a new doctor today. The doctor was not impressed with the three-page note on his "history". I received a phone call. If they would just read, they would realize the five little lines they provide are not near enough for some clients. Oh well, they gave him the standard dementia test and asked him lots of questions twice. He said he was concerned about his memory a little, but I think the doctor may have been more concerned when DH realized he forgot his wallet! Enough for now. Good night.


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