Finally... 50 weeks to go.

 It is Friday and the end of week 2. Most of it was spent hovering over a bucket or lying listless waiting for the next wave of nausea to hit or taking care of another that was sick. My sewing machine sat idle, the dish ran away with the spoon and poor SIL is ready for things to be normal. Yesterday we had a telehealth visit with the Neurologist, he suggested that it might be time to move into a facility, we declined for the moment. As she stands and stares at me, I wonder what I was thinking.

So many days she is okay, not really excited about life, and not willing to learn anything new, but not out in left field either. Today is one of those days. She wants what she wants when she wants it. Sometimes, I can accommodate her wishes and others it has to wait until I finish something. Today it needed to wait and that did not sit well with her. This might sound weird, but I really had to clean both bathrooms and send DH a list of things to get at the store. If I didn't send the list, it would be a waste of time for him to go.

The list was a bit shy of all we needed, but he cannot go "big" shopping. First, he cannot carry it all and second, he refuses to go to more than one store. Might be a man thing. I don't relish shopping, but I do know that I like certain things from certain stores. I know where to find the items in that store and it makes it easy. DH does not have that knowledge because it isn't important for him. It doesn't help that stores like to rearrange their aisles and that just throws everyone off!

Normally, I would have ginger ale and sprite in the basement or in the pantry. I have a tween in the house, need I say more? So, this round of stomach bug went without the settling properties of those two drinks. I did not put them on the list either. It's been an hour and a half since the great shower request, and we are finally through with that. Funny, when we were finished, and I was taking her things back to her room, she asked "if something happens to you or Gary do I have to go to a facility?". I responded yes you would. I did not add any caveats or explanations to soften the blow. Maybe I should have? I didn't because I do not know what the future holds for any of us. I do know that neither of us could do this alone. Nothing confirms this more than watching her avoid laying down or sitting in a chair as if she is going to miss some major event that could possibly happen while she naps for an hour. 

Amazingly, DH remembered Sprite without asking for it! There is hope! SIL wants some of his Dr. Pepper Zero (caffeine) she would do anything right now to avoid sleep. I really wish I understood what it is that makes her tick. She is much like a toddler that must have your full attention. Now on to my real life... oh wait this it. I wonder at times how it got here. No, I know how, I just wonder what it would have been. Oh, great she got into the jar of sprinkles and is eating them out of the jar.

DH deferred her from the sprinkles, only to have her find a pan of brownies! Ah, well, what can you do? it is totally okay to enjoy a brownie. A pan? Maybe not, but it was only half a pan anyway. Dinner has arrived. Pizza from the local gas station. Not my favorite, but I am not up to the job of making dough and cleaning up afterward. SIL is in a sugar induced stupor. She refused to put her legs up and rest as she should. If she did then I could rest and so could DH, but when she refuses then we both get less rest.

The dogs are a bit excited about the idea of pizza. They love it when bits drop to the floor. More of mine will drop tonight than anyone else's, I'm sure. Tomorrow will hopefully bring better health and a renewed spirit. Good night for now. 


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