Tired of repeating...

 If there is one thing, I do a lot of it is repeat myself. Not so much to the kids but to SIL. Even when I talk slow and short sentences there is a need to repeat. For example, we have baby gates across most open entrances to keep the dogs from roaming into the bedrooms or down the hallway. Every time she goes through a gate, she has to ask permission and then she asks if she needs to leave it open or close it. The answer is always close it.

I am getting good at my script. Today there was a variation. Normally she would prefer to take a shower twice a day. If this did not require my direct supervision and take anywhere from 45 minutes to two hours, I could say yes. But alas it does. Today however, she was not willing to get into the bathroom, much less the shower. She was sure that I had someone in there waiting to watch her. We waited to take that shower.

As I type this, she is 7 inches from my keyboard. She has finally been in the shower and had the 1pm meds and pretty much freaked out at every noise, commercial and cannot seem to get a grip on reality. Not that the grip has ever been strong since she has moved in. I guess I will go make some brownies. 

Well, I didn't make any brownies. I did clean out the playdough box as the youngest one decided to play with it. As we played, she shared with me that Aunt Kim is too much for her. It made me sad. The last thing I want for the kids is to feel stressed that she is here. The last thing I want for her is to be cared for by strangers.

Today she has had more than one episode of delirium. It interferes with life for all of us. I can only imagine how hard it is on her. She was terrified, it seemed of me. She denies that it is me that scares her.

She made me some playdough pasta!

We then emptied out the playdough box and sorted all the cutters and the other playdough tools. In the end we had SIL put everything back into the container. If there is a thing that she thrives on, it is being in charge of something. The playdough box is very neat and tidy now. I wish I had taken pictures. It won't last now that it has been found again.

It is time to make dinner and that also confuses things. We have all the laundry in to make her bed tidy again. It should be done before she goes to bed. Now she is fixating on the next med pass time. It is 2 hours from now. That is two hours to worry and let the anxiety build to frantic levels. We may have to have an acute hospitalization to get her settled again. At least here she won't be marked for a state hospital. 

Now on to the good stuff! The tortillas that I made yesterday were way too good! I only made 10 as it is just myself and the kids that even eat them. DH is a tortilla snob LOL. He only likes Mission brand and only the large ones. Poor thing doesn't know what he is missing! Here is the recipe if you want to make your own:

2C all-purpose flour
1t salt
1 1/2t baking powder
1/4c powdered milk
3/4C of warm water
1T oil

Mix the first 4 ingredients together in a medium size bowl. (I use a whisk to get it well blended). Add in the oil and warm water and mix until thoroughly incorporated using a fork. Let the dough rest for a bit. Then divide the dough into as many portions as you would like, depending on the size tortilla you would like. I make between 8 and 12. 

Heat an iron skillet or whatever pan you want to use. I use an iron skillet; it is just my preference. It needs to be hot so it can cook the dough quickly. You may need to use some flour on the surface that you use as the dough is a little sticky. Roll the dough pretty thin, but not too thin. You want to just cook these a minute or so on each side. On the first side you will see the bubbles rising in the dough. The raised bubbles will toast nicely when you flip the tortilla. Place warm tortilla between two towels, or on a plate covered with towel. Once all the dough is cooked then you can enjoy or store for a few days. Let them cool completely before placing in a plastic bag or freezing to prevent moisture build up. Do not overcook! You will be sad if you do.

I made enough for last night's dinner and there were a few left over. We had those with the chicken tortilla soup today. Sadly, they are all gone. I don't think I'll make any more tonight. We are having Chinese chicken tomorrow. I am running out of inspiration for meals or maybe I am just tired of cooking! Nah! That can't be it!
Here are some more play dough creations!

Cute little piggie!

Well, I should close for now and get the laundry finished. SIL needs her bed made and meds given and probably a trip to the psych unit soon... that or I'm going to need a visit! 


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