Back to the grind of everyday life

 Monday starts it all over again. Hopefully with less excitement and sickness than last week. The kids will not have school today. They will have worksheets that I found during paper sorting. We just watched a show that actually kept SIL still for an hour and a half and not sleeping through it either. I put on the original Willie Wonka hoping that another lively show would occupy her mind for a bit.

We are having a bit not fun with the dogs. I am so tired of being stuck inside. I hope tomorrow is nice enough to take SIL out for a walk without a ton of winter wear. I should have taken her outside today, but I took the girls on an outing instead. It makes me feel guilty for leaving her out and guilty that they can't run around and enjoy talking about what they did... without her. They could tell her, but I stop them and that steals their joy and mine. She could go if DH would go with us, but alas he wouldn't so I'm the bad guy on either end.

The baby and her sister should arrive in the next few minutes and chaos will begin. I have worksheets for them, and a few games planned hopefully it will be warm enough to go outside for a bit. Three hours later and SIL is smacking bubble gum in my ear, and I am nutso! I hope the weather warms SOON!!!

This week should include starting some seeds. I am thinking cabbage, brussels sprouts, things that will like the coolness of the basement window wells. Maybe some squash or melons too since they take longer once transplanted outside. How does this work with DH dreaming of coastal living? No clue. But if I wait for him to decide I will have no plants. No garden will not work this year. No matter how small it will provide stress relief. 

The morning started with SIL having a hard fall. It is the first in a week or so. Then the kids woke her from her nap. Short morning but that is okay, she is eating leftover spaghetti. The kids are having spaghetti letters and that prompted her to decide that she was going to cook something. It's going to be a busy day.

It did prove busy! We went for a walk and played a game of Yahtzee, at which she did not win and was not a good loser either. I tried to catch up on card writing, didn't happen because SIL does not like focus on anything but her. It happens. Last night was the night she waited for all of two days. I made panini sandwiches for dinner. Eating the focaccia was what she had been waiting for!

The finished sandwich, it was one big one, cut into 4's

Sliced chicken before cooking

The sliced focaccia

She liked all the herbs in it

I forgot to take a picture of the big mistake! You see, I do not have a panini press so I put the bread into the largest iron skillet that I have. Then I stacked the layers of food and placed my next smaller iron skillet on the top of it. Unfortunately, I forgot that the focaccia that I made had cheese on the top. The result was an iron skillet covered in cheese... on the bottom!

The food itself was good the next focaccia won't have as many herbs nor any cheese though. SIL said it was a bit spicy and DH said something in it tasted "funny" like mold... that would be all those Italian herbs. Tonight, is frozen cardboard pizza.


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