My own personal greeter

It is Sunday morning, not too early, but early enough to get a list for the day made. It seems I always make a really long list and only get a few things accomplished. That is better for me than when I made a short list and did so much more than what was on it... it was then that I started writing the extra stuff I did on the list and checking it off. It kind of felt like cheating. The night was full of ups and downs, get up, lay down, rest, repeat. I have an advantage over others in this department, my own personal greeter. Yes, yes, I know Walmart employs many of these and it is no great shakes.  However, how many people have one of their own at home?! Not many I dare say!

Today is the first day of making sure I support others, but I don't get mired down in the muck. Back to the list. I have a large 5 subject notebook that is handy for recipes, lists and general notes. It is too bulky to carry everywhere. When I last went to Dollar Tree, I found a smaller one that is quite handy. I think I need a clarity coach! Not a greeter. My greeter is up 95% of the time that I get up during the day or night. It should be a welcoming feeling, I think anyway. The greeter doesn't bother my notebook, not yet at least.

This is the cute little notebook I found

This is the standard size 5 subject one

Years ago, I kept a notebook very similar to this and it was very helpful. Each section had a different purpose. Unfortunately, it fell into someone else's hands, I felt violated having someone read my personal notes, without permission. I think I would feel the same way today if that happened. That is probably why I blog instead of using the notebook the way I did back then. It is a bit like a diary, but not near as personal.

Back to being a greeter, it is a high calling. It is not easy to give a warm smile, an honest welcome and really be happy to see others. My greeter isn't quite that effective, but she is almost always awake when I get up! Today is a sunny day, it is deceptive though as it is not at all warm. In fact, DH does not want to go out and fill the dumpster with anything. It has to be done so I will don my coat and go out for a bit.

Being outside for a bit was invigorating and cold! All of the household trash is in the dumpster, the light is turned on for the chickens and all of the doggie doo-doo is raked. Plus, the youngest and I took a spin on our bikes around the drive. Very cold. All of the water jugs are also out of the van and into the house.

Dinner was another pantry challenge night. Luncheon was too, but SIL has to have a last meal of the day. So, instead of soup I took some of the chicken from lunch and made chicken ala king and served it over toast.
For a dinner on the fly it was good!

20 minutes from start to table that is a win! 

It was only SIL and I for dinner as the littles had leftover sloppy joes from the freezer. But please don't tell them, they don't eat leftovers. They were sure it was fresh! I was pleased with the quickness of dinner, and it was quite tasty too!

It left me a little time to try and sew a project. Pictures will come in the next post as everyone has gone to bed and frankly, I am ready too!


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