336 shopping days until Christmas 2023

 The good news is that there are about 701 shopping days until Christmas of 2024! So, if you really need to know that information here it is! Now that is taken care of, I need to organize my thoughts for the week. Today is trash day and I am fairly sure that DH did not take the trash to the dumpster that he had promised to do yesterday. I may need to run out and put the last of the bags in before they show up to empty the dumpster.

The solar team arrived for the county inspection that is scheduled for 0900. They played Army, actually, they are still playing Army. The county guy still hasn't arrived, and it is 0956. With the current temperature being 24degrees I don't think I would wait all that long. They ended up texting and saying they would be back as the county guy was at another job. It is now after 1pm and they are back.

The laundry room was a hot mess when they arrived the first time, but I straightened it up while they were gone. I did not know they needed access to that room, or I would have had it tidied up the first time. It did not take long, I just needed motivation, staying at home and being chief cook and bottle washer wasn't motivating enough.

The view from the kitchen door 

The view from the North door

It is still cluttered, but walkable. It is by far the smallest room in the house, yet it boasts 5 doors. It, like most of the rooms in this house leave little room for anything other than the counters or cupboards in the room. There is absolutely no room for even laundry hampers in either first floor bathroom, and there is no linen closet, no broom closet, and last but not least nowhere to store a vacuum cleaner!

Well, I must post this today or the number of shopping days will be an error. So good night blog!


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