What IS for breakfast?

 Every morning I wake up and hear the same question. What's for breakfast or some form of that question. I wrote out the meal plan for this week and although I finished the lunch and dinner portions, I somehow overlooked the breakfast for today. It is Thursday and my mind went blank. Normally, there would be cold cereal available, not today though as they finished that off earlier in the week. The youngest does not eat blueberry muffins, so that offer was out of the question. I looked at the 2 quarts of buttermilk in the fridge, and biscuits quickly came to mind. I thought while I was baking some to eat, I would also bake some to freeze so that next week I could play Pillsbury's dough girl. 

When I finished making some for the freezer it was about an hour before lunch would be due, so I thought I would experiment with the biscuit dough. I added some garlic powder and a generous helping of cheddar cheese and baked those to go with the lunch spaghetti. Plus, I really wanted to use up the last little bit of buttermilk in the quart container that I had opened. 

They were moist and tender!

Baking garlic goodness 

I think it could have had more cheese!!!

I love making a mess! 

After the biscuits were done, I had no takers for a few minutes. Finally, the tween ate one. I received a thumbs up. High praise from a tween. IMHO it was good on the cheese, but I could have used more garlic. They also may have gone over better with a side of shrimp scampi... just saying. I do love a good biscuit! 

I do also love convenience and canned biscuits; I do not like $3+ per can though. I scanned the internet for coupons and found none. Not that I was going to run to town or anything like that, I just wanted to be prepared for the men's breakfast next weekend. DH always takes biscuits and gravy, but he doesn't like to take homemade.

Good morning, there is a plan on the calendar for this morning's breakfast, so I am adding a convenience note. Last night the only member of this household that was hungry for dinner was the tween. All day both kiddos were foraging for snacks in the house, they wanted fresh cookies. The neighbor generally bakes cookies each week and sends over a tray for whatever occasion might strike her fancy. For Christmas she sent such a huge tray of cookies the kids were quiet about snacks for a good long time! Just before our staycation I had to toss the last of the cookies on the tray. 

I myself used to like a no bake chocolate oatmeal cookie that my grandmother had made for me and my siblings years ago. I decided that would be what I made as it is fast, one pan, and I have a bunch of oatmeal. The youngest screamed foul play! She does not like oatmeal cookies! I remembered that I also made some slice and bake sugar cookie dough to use throughout the year. I made the chocolate cookies first.

I made "adult" size 

I remember grandma making these smaller

To my surprise they were as good as I remembered them to be. Then I thought the youngest might like to bake the slice and bake ones. She won't even try the chocolate ones because they have oatmeal in them. Lucky for my knees, I had a roll of dough in the freezer of the fridge. I decided I would do the slicing; she could do the arranging on the pan and the put them in the oven.
The finished cookies

she did a good job with the placement

I did good slicing... no blood! 

The frozen dough isn't the prettiest shape, but they tasted good. The log of dough made 3 dozen little cookies for snacks. These are not adult size cookies. I will have to adjust the diameter of the log the next time I need to make another supply. This brings me back to convenience, that was super nice to have available for the kid to bake at that time of night! It also reminds me that I have to bag the biscuits that are in the freezer.

While she was making the cookies the dogs started barking. There were deer in the yard. I looked out and found that one of the dogs had chewed up my best silicon cooking brush. Grr....

Deer in the front yard

At the front window

voyeurism wild style

my devoured food brush

 Deer in the back yard

Well I better go bag the biscuits and put the waffles in to toast. Have a great day!


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