Thursday, January 5th through Saturday the 7th

 One of my "resolutions" was to limit the blog posts to once a week. I have too much to share it seems to have that constraint. We returned to homeschooling this past December, although technically we dabbled on missed school days, the official start was the first week of December. Some weeks go super good and others we struggle to make the mark. The best part is we can do that, and no one can say we can't. I relish the idea that if it takes us a month or more to figure out that 10 dimes are the same as one dollar, that is okay!!! My 12-year-old struggles with math, but once she gets it, it is good! In the charter school they spent one week on a concept and good luck if you didn't quite get it. The move to the public school did help with some of the concepts that had been glossed over with the charter school. I won't say she didn't learn things but there is something to be said for getting to "nail it" before you move on to another concept. That is a luxury to be able to do that. Not to mention getting to spend time on everyday hygiene and health practices without yelling. Did you know that a hairbrush is just as elusive as a toothbrush to a tween?

On top of that, until they recognize the opposite gender, they are vehemently allergic to water. I realize that smelly teenagers are a rite of passage, I just don't endorse nor promote it. I LOVE not driving to town twice a day to shuttle kids, and I LOVE not struggling to get a kid to go to school, when amazingly she will come to the table and do work albeit in game form, she does do it! Now if she could just learn to love to dash! It is nice to not rushing a child to conform and allow them to think freely and decide. Yes, there are guidelines and goals, and we might miss something that should be in there, but in the end, we will get it.

Earlier this week we were invited to go spend time with the travelers while they are in Columbus, Texas. Okay maybe I invited us to travel there. Regardless, arrangements for the animals had to be sought out. I am working on that. I also would prefer to have someone stay in our house while we are gone. I have care for the two big dogs and the littles can go with us. There is still a cat, house chicken, two parakeets, 40+/- chickens and one turkey to figure out. That is why I prefer an actual person to be here.

the moonset this morning

It is a lazy morning here on the plains. The moonset was awesome! I love sipping a warm drink and watching the sunrise reflect against the mountains. Of course, you have to really look for it over the roof of the cottage and past the roof of the motorhome and through the dormant trees... but it is there!

 look really closely, you will see it 

We are playing math match this morning and working in our time and money workbooks. Short workbooks but they get to the point. Later, we will continue to take down the decorations, err I will be doing that most likely alone. As well as getting the house ready for some fun. We have decided to hold off on travel this month and get the basement closer to ready for the wiring to be done. The kiddos were not happy about the decision, but life will go on. They will have activities to keep them busy outside of just learning. That will help with winter doldrums.

math match time and money book on the other side

Good morning! We made it to open gym this morning! That was a surprise for us, we rarely make it on time and to be truthful we were a bit late. We did switch up the participants as the oldest did not want to go and the two grandkids were here due to... well they were here. So, the older grandchild and the younger kiddo went in for the open gym session and the rest of us went and did some running. What I learned from this is that I need to pack drinks for after the event as they were thirsty. We headed home and I made lunch for the grandkids, my two did not like the offerings and could not decide what they wanted. The youngest got in trouble within 5 minutes of being home and ended up taking a nap.

at the gym

She is now awake and still cranky. The day is still young, and she might be able to get sent to her room yet again! Saturday will be an awesome day to take a break!!


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