New Year's Eve through the first Wednesday of the new year

 It is time at last, the day is here, it is time to wish a Happy New Year! Will I stay up late? I am not sure. The possibility is there. The youth group at church has planned a party and the oldest wants to go. There are only two adults in this house, so there is a good chance this adult will be tasked with the party.

I have decided on one resolution for the new year, no more countdowns! We will spend January doing more hands-on tasks for learning with both girls. Less tablet time and less book time. Hopefully the weather cooperates.

Well, that was all well and good on New Year's Eve, but it is now Monday, and the school week has begun. The oldest enjoyed the youth party at church Saturday night and I stayed home with the youngest and tried to stay up until midnight. Luckily the AdAmAn club shot off the first set of fireworks at 9pm so those of us on the wimpy side didn't have to wait until Midnight. (And I didn't)

This morning as we sat around the breakfast table, we discussed the meals for the month, and I made a tentative list for the grocery store. Next thing I knew we were knee deep in a history/government lesson. We spent an hour and a half with that as the interest was strong. This year we are leaning more towards interest led learning as opposed to straight up book work. We also started with some art learning this afternoon and some videos on "Tiny Creatures". I actually found that a bit more interesting than the kids did and before I knew it, we were back into the history/government lessons. I had to force them to quit so that I could do dishes and fold laundry.

Brain Quest cards had them busy! 

For our health lesson we went over the basic food groups and made smoothies to enjoy while exploring the art tools we picked up. I picked up the same art kits for each girl even though it might not be the best fit for the youngest. There tends to be a jealousy thing that goes on monkey see, monkey want. It is now bedtime, and the kids are in their rooms. 

The finished smoothie

looked better here

even more so this way! 

Today is Tuesday, I had an appointment today and I had planned to sleep in a bit. Unfortunately, I forgot to inform my extended family of this plan and received a phone call at 0501. That started my day and of course things do not always go as planned. I did get to my appointment, and all is well. I spent a little time at my side job. One hour to be specific. It was worth it. I then tried to do some banking and head home. On arrival home the oldest informed me that she had broken a bracket on her braces. I called the Orthodontist's office, and we headed back into to town after a quick lunch and walk that is. While in town we put in another 45 minutes on my side job as a group of three.

The bunk bed box had been delivered before we left for the appointment, and I brought it into the house on returning from town. The youngest is way excited to get her new bed set up, sadly there are many tasks that are taking precedence, but I will get it done and try to document the progress with pictures. Each day I mentally categorize what was done that counts as school and how it counts. Eventually I will have to put it all on paper. Not tonight dear I am tired.

Good morning! It is Wednesday! It is open gym day for preschoolers, and they can bring the older kids. We are going to pick up the only preschooler we know at daycare and go to the gym! The progressed almost as planned. As time approached for us to leave for the gym the kiddos decided they wanted waffles, then as we drove to town my son-in-law called and said that Fed Ex had left a package on his porch, and could I go get it so that a porch pirate doesn't. Their home is on the way to the preschool, so the answer was yes.

After acquiring proper aged child for the admittance to the gym we were golden! We arrived at the gym in time for the session to be over. They let the kiddos play for a bit anyway so that I could sign the youngest up for tumbling classes. We left the gym in pursuit of tech support for my phone. Picking up lunch on the way, only because I left the lunch that we packed on the kitchen counter. An hour or so later we were on a mission to find the dance academy and register there and then head to the bowling alley. The dance place was still closed for winter break. I headed off to the bowling alley with all three kiddos. 

It was our first time at bowling

Some kids are naturals

wait for it... 

She managed this four time in 8 frames

After that many frames she was tired and whiney and so were the other two. We called the game at that point. Below are pics of the youngest kiddo and her efforts.
Her result this frame was good! 

She used this ramp thing they had available

The strike was a nice way to end the game

My results were not as stellar as theirs, my last frame was not one but two gutter balls. We signed up for next week and maybe our goal will be to last all 10 frames! Our PE plans are this and tumbling class, dance and open gym. We plan to still include walking the dogs when the temperature is good. Below 30 is not, in my opinion, good. Open gym only happens once a week, unless you kidnap a toddler, then it doubles to twice a week. Once guitar lessons start then I imagine I will be in town four times a week. There may be a chance of two activities being on the same day and that would be fine. No guarantee though.

In exchange for saving the package from potential pirates my son-in-law picked up birthday dinner from his mother's store outside the B street gate of Fort Carson. She usually only makes this dish to sell on Mondays, but generously made it for DH today. His birthday came and went without a special meal, and he loves her noodle dish! DSIL (Dear Son-in-law) picked it for me while my daughter offered to watch the kids and let me dash for a bit.

I had originally thought that I would only post to the blog on a weekly basis this next year, however, I think it may have to be more often than that. It seems I have too much to say. We will have to see how it goes from here. It never fails, I am always glad to see 7:30pm. Good night for now.


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