The staycation...

 We are finally home, and all the animals have been picked up from their respective caregivers. When I pulled into the driveway of our home the two big dogs recognized the yard straight away. As soon as I opened the door to grab a dog, they both jumped out and made a run for it. Two hours later they made their way back into the yard. I suppose they had to mark every bush in the neighborhood before returning home.

The water park was fun, and the girls certainly enjoyed the water more than any of the other available activities. They each made a friend and exchanged contact information. We had the opportunity to go for this afternoon but as the DND sign for the room stated so well, "We are all splashed out"

The first night the wave pool was a hit 

Not sure they would ever leave it

in your face 

Our first night on the way down to the pool area

There really wasn't much time for the pool the first night, but the kids really did enjoy the time they had. The next day we took full advantage of the water and only stopped for about a half an hour for lunch. That night we crashed hard, it felt like we had been swimming for a week, and it was only about 9 hours.

The top of the tornado funnel 

The raceway falls (that was fun!)

I didn't do the green tube

I did do the yellow and red slide 3 times; the kids went way more than that.  In fact, they made some friends and did all of these multiple times. DH did the orange and blue once, the yellow tornado one once, and that was the last we saw of him other than in the room! None of us did the green tube, it starts at the same level as the tornado ride. It is a one at a time ride. You get into the tube on a platform, much like the one at Chuck E Cheese only the platform drops out from under you causing you to drop one story and then swirl your way to the finish line. I have trust issues so; I could not do that one. In the picture you can see the cloverleaf float, (to the left of the green tube) for the tornado ride and also behind the green tube is the yellow opening where you end up after your heart stops beating and your face has been hit full force with enough water to drown a horse... mere details though.

Suffice to say we are all exhausted, the dogs are glad to be home, the kids were asleep by 7pm and I am not far behind them. Good night blog.


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