Almost February!

 I was encouraged to do a countdown to Christmas, or I think it was put as "shopping days until Christmas". I had not included that up to this point as just counting down the weeks until the next year got lost in the posts last year. However, I have had time to rethink this. I think it is a good plan! It may potentially keep me on track to getting those handmade gifts actually made and ready. 

In reality this may not work at all for my procrastinating habit, but it might. For now, though I must go sweep and mop the kitchen floor. I am back! I also snuck in a trip to town, my intent was just to go to SSFB and pick up my meds, but I had to take the kiddos, so we opted to go for a treat too. Dairy Queen no longer has cotton candy blizzards, so we left and went to the frozen yogurt place, I do not know the name of the place, but I have only been there once before. Then we went to a mini-Walmart and got dog treats and the headed back to the base to get my prescriptions. Unfortunately, they closed early today for a unit function. We headed back to our home.

Dinner was in two crockpots so, no cooking for me! Much to my disappointment, no one wants to eat tonight. This really is a constant dilemma for me. If I do not cook, then everyone is starving. Partially my fault for getting them treats. When we arrived home all of our anticipated packages had arrived. So, we shoved them all through the north door and the youngest was so excited! Two of the packages were new mattresses for the twin bunkbeds. Another was a bean bag chair for the youngest to have in her room. The last was a pair of tennis shoes for me.

Yes, I used leftover taco bell sauce on my beans

the burrito mix, the world will never know

We decided to only open one of the mattresses, the reason for this is that I think I bought a too thick one for the loft bed. My theory is to let one expand and if it is too big give it to the older kid and get a thinner one for the loft bed and return the second one as it is the same size. DH anchored the bed to the wall, and we kept the steps to the wooden bunkbed for this loft bed. The youngest climbed onto the bed before it was anchored and panicked because it wobbled. She then started crying as she was afraid to try and climb down the ladder. This all worked into my original plan of not arguing with her about the steps, (she did NOT want them near her new bed) DH argued with her on the subject, I told him not to that she would come to her own choice of keeping them. He is as stubborn as she.

her own set-up

finishing touches

the scary ladder 

Now she does not want her dresser because it matches the wooden bed. That is okay too. I will find it a home. As for dinner, well it looks good in the crockpots, but I guess it goes into the fridge for tomorrow or chicken food eventually. With Maddie's 3rd birthday party to go to in the morning, it will not get eaten for lunch. Dinner will likely be chicken fried rice.

Homeschooling is plugging along, and it is a slow plug, but it beats the morning fight to get the youngest to a schoolhouse and she is learning. This week the focus was on reptiles, and she started Spanish phrases for everyday use. Next week we will focus more on math and review the MLK worksheets that we had planned before the reptiles took over! 

The older kid has more independent studies and she also is enjoying "editing". She and several friends have been "playing" with an editing app and having a great time. It is fun to watch her learn it and go from frustrating tears to absolute joy at learning to do something. 

It is Sunday afternoon and today I received a text from a bio mom, absolutely, scathing in her assessment of me. She wishes nothing but the worst for us as a family and me as a human being.  Nice way to end my post I suppose.  This is the first I have heard from her since the phone call after the adoption. Several weeks after the adoption too. She said she was sending her best friend Karma after me. I guess I should be shaking in my boots... I forgot to put boots on today, that must be why I am baffled. 

It does cause me to wonder about the safety of her little boy and also causes me to wonder if she has run out of medication. 

The puzzle table was lonely last night so I worked on our current puzzle while the youngest "decorated" her new space. I found a new place for the dresser.


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