assemble and disassemble, why?

 When we first moved back to the property, we purchased a full-size bunk bed for the girls off of Facebook Marketplace. That was almost three years ago. Last year we purchased a twin over full bunk for the basement "guest" room. No there isn't a guest room yet, but maybe someday. Move forward a year and now the bed is in the oldest child's room without the bottom bunk as a modified loft bed. The littlest decided she also, would like a loft bed, so I ordered one and have been attempting to clear her room in order to assemble it. 

The box is finally in her room, and I think the full over full must come down for the other to go up. Originally, we had planned to put two loft beds in this room. This room is larger than the house in town's bedrooms, but less than half the size of the rooms in the house that burned down. Loft beds seemed like an answer. However, the full-size bunk that I ultimately purchased stole my thought process and indeed works, except that I am the one sleeping in the lower bunk. The youngest is sure she can sleep without me in the room with the loft bed, I am not so sure, but there will be no choice once it is up.

The floor is almost ready, and the box is in the room. Now to work up the courage to start. It will take some courage to wrangle a project of this size by myself. I have moved the furniture out of the way and the new plan is to assemble the loft bed before removing the full-size bunkbed out of the room. There are a couple of reasons for this. One is that the mattress for the twin-size loft will not arrive before Wednesday and possibly not before Friday. Secondly, there is actually room for both bunks in the room at the same time, this will allow the youngest to continue to have a real bed until the mattress arrives and there is room to remove the full-size bunkbed with the twin-size in place. The plan then is to move one full bed to the attic and one to the basement.

It is now Wednesday, and the bed assembly is moving along slow and steady, and the disassembly is moving along too. DH started the project on Monday, as he put pieces together, I would occasionally here and there hear a piece of the bed fall to the floor. It is metal so it clanks when you drop a piece of it. He started the project while I was out doing some things. When I arrived back home most of my efforts at moving things around and having all the dishes in order had been thwarted by self-service. As I went into the kitchen to put away some things I purchased, I noticed that the oven door was ajar.

Before I left on my adventures, I let the "sitter" know where the foods for lunch were and what they were. Pizza was not one of the foods. Apparently, no one wanted what had been prepared and left for them to eat. I then realized the oven door was locked... open. It took a while and some long-distance consults, but the oven door did eventually close. I was not sure how it happened, but DH told me he was taking the pizza out of the oven, when he went to turn the oven off there is a little lock shaped marking on the panel and the word "Hold" right below the "Off" switch. This marking has been there for the entire time we have lived in this house. 

As he explained it my mind wondered why he never noticed it before. He stated that it said to hold the button... so he did. I did not question it openly, but my mind was totally racing with thoughts! Eventually it unlocked and the oven function was restored. Just a side note, I am kind of relieved that he has decided he does not want to move. If an oven can confuse, can you imagine a change of venue? Cornbread was not made that night. 

Back to the bed, one end was put together on Monday and the rest waited. Tuesday, DH had a mission to accomplish, and I had to assist remotely. He left at 0715, I started the day with the kids. By 1000 he had called frustrated because he couldn't get his meds. The doctor had sent the script to express scripts and apparently had not retrieved in time last week. They had assured me that it would be retrieved, so I sent him without the proper instructions, now I had to fix it. I called ES they did not get a cancellation and the meds would be delivered after the 22nd.

I then called him and sent him back to the cardiologist to ask for enough tabs to get by until the package arrives. He still had three more stops on his list of things to do. That would mean three more phone calls for me to field. Once his last call was made at about 3pm I thought he would be home shortly thereafter. At about 530pm he arrived. I was working on the bunk bed and had assembled the other end of the bed. It took 30 minutes. When he arrived, he needed help carrying things in, so I obliged. When I came back in to work on the bed, the youngest had picked up where I left off.

adding the support rails

unexpected help

she is doing a pretty good job! 

With good help on the job and DH getting ready for men's group I went out to tend to the chickens and gather eggs. When we were thinking of moving, I looked for homes for my chickens and found no takers. Suddenly, I have had several requests for any hens that I might want to get rid of. Good to know!

eggs to clean 

I came back in and continued with the bed. Then I looked at my work and disassembled what I had done only to reassemble the same pieces in a different direction. We are now to the assembly of the mattress support.

The helper is still going strong! The snow started falling and the dogs wanted outside, silly dogs.
It is cold!

Well, time to close and finish the day.


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