Back on track..

 For the past month we have been very lax with schoolwork. With the youngest grandchild here for babysitting purposes it was darn near impossible to get the big kids focused. Not to blame the kids totally, I was pulled from every task by the tiniest of voices, "Gamma pay wit me peas" was repeated over and over. Today we just have an extra dog not an extra kid. That should be easier to manage. I still plan to take time to declutter and get some hours in at work. Most importantly I intend to be purposeful with learning. There may not be much time for the blog. My plan was to go to once a week with it, sometimes there is more to tell. With that said this blog post may become more like a diary post before the end of the week.

too cute to ignore 

Dog yard is raked and mostly cleaned up. It got too windy, and the poo needed to be bagged and taken out. I did that task, the wind got to be too strong for me to take the cardboard out to the garden, so I will hold off on that till later today or tomorrow morning. I did task DH with using the spray foam to seal up a few spots in the chicken house. After I fix lunch, I will check on his progress. We worked together to tidy up the parking area. His tools and the remnants of his repair work were scattered about and inching their way into the main driveway area. There is still a lot of work to do there, but it is a bit cleaner for now. This week the dumpster was to the top. First time in a long time.

 As I type this, I can see that he has unloaded two bags of feed onto a dolly, and I also see the can of spray foam sitting on the washing machine that has yet to be put with the scrap metal. Probably should not bother with checking on progress for now. I also intend to move all the gas cans to the westside shed to avoid having to chase them down in the wind.

can of spray foam 

 bags of feed and gas cans

I really shouldn't feed him 

Lunch was over and DH was fast asleep in his chair. I went outside and moved all four bags of feed to the chicken house. Spray foam was next, in the chicken house it was hard to find the cracks that before seemed so big. A few were found and sealed and then I headed to the gas cans. Only two were moved as the others were full and too heavy to carry very far.

I made a quick list to take to town and headed to fill the van with gas, as I write this I wonder if I should have just emptied a can or two. Nah, might not have been gas. I left at 3:30 pm and returned by 5:45. Without batting an eye I spent just shy of $200. Sheez. I am quickly resenting the Biden administration. I know it probably isn't entirely the fault of the government, but I bet some fault can go there honestly.

Standing in line waiting to pay for what amounted to 6 cloth bags of stuff, I noticed the faces of other shoppers also genuinely aggravated at the cost of the few things they purchased. And still I have not planted my seeds. That is moving to the top of the list today. Moving out of Colorado also lingers at the forefront of my thoughts. It would take 6 months or more to get the yard at this house ready to sell and probably another 5-6 months to get the other property ready. I could do an as-is sale and maybe make enough to be okay with it. DH would love to rid us of the other property, I am the holdout.

On to the plans for today. Yesterday, being Presidents Day, we took a bit of time to go over what the holiday represents and discuss the "almost a teen's" favorite President, Abraham Lincoln. She is still trying figure out which ones are dead. I told her if their picture is on money, they are dead. For some reason she was freshly angry at John Wilkes Booth. We found a documentary on him and watched that. It did not clarify very many questions, in fact it raised more. Personally, I have never given him much thought. Time for bed.

Well, the sun just peeped over the horizon, time to get on with my day. My day progressed with getting the youngest child's room emptied of the bunk bed and the dollhouse brought up from the basement. This dollhouse is sturdy and heavy. I moved it much the same way in which I have moved all furniture by myself. I rolled it. 

finally, some seeds in dirt 

still need a home for the black a/c unit

the dollhouse 

Lots got put in the attic today, but looking around the two living rooms you cannot tell. That is how it is for me. Cleaning creates a located and bigger mess for the duration of the task. Time to read and hopefully, sleep. Sleep is elusive tonight. There are three televisions going and it is 11pm.

the afternoon sun

Good morning it is Thursday and sleep, although fleeting, did arrive for a few hours. One of today's tasks will be to change out the baby gate in the hallway to the youngest's room. It is only there temporarily while we dog sit. She is sleeping alone, sort of, the dog is in with her. While the dog is company and likes staying with her, it will not stay without the gate. Our dogs are in their kennels, so a gate is not needed normally. One more day and a wake up, then the dog goes home.

The morning sky is overcast, and we have about an inch and a half of fresh snow. I am thankful for the moisture. I am also ready for spring I think, I mean in my mind, not my garden world or my real world. But spring means summer and that means scorching heat for the garden. I can be good with the snow for now. Yesterday I made an early dinner and supper was late. 

fried potatoes 

 broccoli killed onsite

pork chops because the chicken guy is tired of chicken

Supper was made for the kids. DH doesn't like to eat late, so it was just them and me. We had chicken in gravy and biscuits. The kids could not fathom putting gravy on biscuits if the gravy wasn't white with sausage in it. So, I cooked rice also. The broccoli and cheese weren't overdone like at dinner. They ended up liking the gravy with chicken. Good thing they did as it is lunch today.

Two days ago, I planted seeds. Georgia Rattlesnake watermelon, Sugar Baby Watermelon, and Buttercrunch lettuce. Today I have some squash varieties to get started and some tomato seed. Hopefully, I will have the living rooms cleared of clutter today. My knees are not feeling it though.

I will close for now, lest this become a novel of sorts. Plenty to do today, I'll cross my fingers and get something done.


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