A new month on the way...

 And a new closet to clean for the end of the current month. We are still ISO a missing pink piggie. I took on the closet this afternoon, I was sure we would find it in there. We found mommy pig, but not THE pig. Oh well the closet needed to be cleaned regardless. I know there are many things that need my attention regardless, but the pig is missing! I am glad we found mommy pig as the littlest grand, asks every time she comes over, "find mommy pig?" I can finally answer yes! Although I am not sure where Peppa and Daddy pig went in the meantime. I know George pig is gone, victim of some couch eating dogs. As an amputee I think I tossed him. 

I knew she would put stuff back in there 

At least some of made it into a bin

Good news and sad news. Beside finding mommy pig, we also found two more Peppas and two of the friends. Sad news is we still have not found THE pig. Two large trash bags of broken toys are now in the trash and there are only three more containers of stuff to sort through. 60% of which will be donated as it is no longer "loved" by the current caretaker. I know it sounds like a lot of toys, because it is! I am sorting into bins by type. Barbie has a bin, and small animal and lol dolls have a bin, and baby doll clothes have a basket... so far. Stuffed toys and horses are another story all together!

Great news! THE pig has been found and an added bonus, the closet is clean! The balance the evening was spent sorting broken toys, outgrown toys, and keepers. the keepers needed to be sorted also. My back was done so it was good that she found her pig. I don't normally have a bothersome back, but I have been moving all sorts of stuff today so not surprising. 


With that task done I can move on to moving the last part of the bunkbed out of her room and she can begin to sleep solo. I will move back into my room and plan my next declutter task. For now, I will sit and sip a warm drink and wait for the sun to rise. The dogs have been let out for the morning and the doggie door is in place. The rest of the house will rise soon, and chaos will ensue.


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