The day gravity won.

The day started like most days, updating a post, checking emails and general catch up. I had my coffee made Malt-O-Meal. Found things for others and started thinking I really needed to keep taking stuff to the attic. So, I did. I took what was already on the steps to the top and opened the door. I carried things safely in. I then started moving something away from the staircase toward the south end of the house. It happened so fast and was so surreal. I fell about 10 minutes before 9am. Walking forward but I landed on my left side, I can still see my arm caught on the package, but my body had hit the floor. I do not think I blacked out, but I couldn't move my left arm.

The youngest kiddo heard me fall and yelled are you okay? I replied, no I don't think so, please go find daddy. She did. He came right away, but he didn't understand what had happened, well surprise neither did I. I had to hold my left arm with my right so he could not pull me up that way. It came to me that I could scoot on my bottom to the stairs and down them if I had to. Once at the top of the stairs DH got in front of me and I placed my left arm on his shoulder, and we went slowly down the stairs. I sat at the kitchen table trying to instruct DH and the children on what we needed to do to be ready to go. 

This is when I realized, no one in this house knows where anything is. After about one-hour post-incident, we were headed to the ER via POV. If traffic to Schriever could have been heavier, I would have been surprised. It was backed up from the west gate to 94. We had to drive on the shoulder all the way past the entrance road for the gate. DH refused to go to town or to a civilian hospital. I didn't really care, but the civilian hospital would have been closer. No worries though we were in the ER by 1045. By 1300 I was heading to the weirdest drug induced trip ever! We rolled into the recovery area around 1330 and I was headed home before 1500. Not without losing DH to wandering around the hospital for a bit.

On a side note, my neighbor came over to watch the girls, I cannot imagine how difficult that would have been with kids in tow. No heat in the car was bad enough. Once there the team did what they with students on hand. The doc came in I repeated what I remembered, he asked about chest pain, yes there's that, shortness of breath, yep, I can get that too. Then he went over what they would be doing and what meds they would use. Next thing I knew they were moving me to another larger room, going over the crash cart procedures with the students. O2 monitoring wasn't functioning right, or I was low. They put on oxygen. No one could find the Fentanyl, once that was found and injected, I let them know I felt it and would be dosing off for a bit. The nice doctor who had informed me of all the risks said OKAY not without a little Ketamine. That began the wildest ride ever for me! Wilder than the ride at GWL.

I remember talking to them all the way through and also to something I couldn't see. I asked of we were at the beach, are those animals talking, do we have to go back? I also told the something I couldn't see could I just talk to Jesus? The voice said no stop going towards that light. But it was so beautiful, I wanted to see more. Then it said no you are not dead, go back. That is when the recovery nurses were putting on the sling. I thanked them and told them about the place, they said that I had been telling them all about it all along. I asked if they told me to not go to the light. They said no that was not them. They did assure me that I wasn't mean or obnoxious and I didn't say bad words. 

 me looking for DH walking the halls at EACH

When the doc came in to release me, he said that was some wild ride eh? I said yes and thank you I feel so much better. Not pain free, but so much better. As he left, he said you were talking to Jesus and he told you "No you are not dead, go back", he added that I told him that and then asked if we were at the beach yet. He also said, as he shook his head that was some wild Jesus talk.

After I had found DH waiting for scripts

That my friend is how I spent my daughter's Birthday.  And it is also how gravity won. I will not try to move things without help no matter how small. Second fall in ten days. I have been beaten. 

Sad news the Doc did not fill out the hard script correctly so DH must go to the base tomorrow to fill it.

I'll live. Good night blog.


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