Whoa!! Horse in the house?!

 Sometimes being a little creative can lift my spirits up and encourage me. Today the mess in the house was pretty overwhelming. It seemed that everyone had taken something out of its' and not returned it, me included. That doesn't make for a nice feeling. The youngest kiddo is the second biggest offender in this department. Today I could not find the energy to clean the way it should have been cleaned. This is the last week with the littlest granddaughter coming for babysitting, so I have been lax about cleaning in general. The bathrooms have been cleaned and that is about it. 

Last night she decided that she wanted a hobby horse, stick horse or pony on a stick, whatever you choose to call it, she was really excited about having one of these. She had found where there is actually a competition for kids who ride these trusty steeds. Now her excitement turned to an obsession of sorts. She had to have one. now. not. later. I assured her I could make her one tomorrow, meaning later, and maybe she would move on to something else. Not so much. At the crack of dawn this morning I started the construction of "Dash".

Un stuffed but on a stick

interfacing on an ear

the head cut out

sewn ear

before sewing

foot pedal cord that fits close enough

sewing the ear

the chosen head outline

After printing a horse head and looking through my stash of fabrics, I found some mink-like fleece that I had previously purchased with making a cow in mind. The cow will have to wait. A horse is needed now. I cut out the material and dug around for some interfacing material, now to put this thing together. Sewing machine is on the table, hmm... no foot pedal. Oh, wait no power cord either. This is going to be very slow by hand. I started anyway, and it was very slow. Then I thought, perhaps the pieces from another machine might work. I went to the box that my other machine was in and found the missing parts. Yay! They worked! 3 hours later we have a hobby horse of sorts.

meet Dash

have to work on the bridle a bit

stuffed and on a stick! 

before the reins and bridle

After taking the horse out for a run in the yard the youngest decided it would be good to do the obstacle course in the house again. So much for picking up the toys, I asked her to please wait while I fixed dinner, and she did sort of. As soon as the food was in the pressure cooker, she started the course and within seconds she had her first really hard fall. It startled me and I ran to her rescue, which may or may not have caused her to feel she was hurt worse than she was. But such are the woes of the geriatric moms. 

Now back to my original discussion. I was feeling overwhelmed and stifled a bit in the creative department. I can cook all day and make something new or not so new, and if no one eats it my need for creativity is not quenched. The challenge of making the hobby horse, one for each of the younger kiddos, fed my creativity appetite, and that in turn made me want to clean tonight. I know... weird. In reality it just feels good and when the endorphins get going so do I.

Hopefully, I will get the embroidery projects underway this week. I do so hope the girls will benefit and develop a creative outlet. And last but not least Happy Valentine's Day!!!


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