Snow Day!

 They had been forecasting this storm since the weekend, at first it seemed like another wasted snow day. As the day carried on the snow continued to fall but blowing sideways preventing much accumulation at our house. The youngest was determined we needed to go for a walk. She was barefoot, wearing thin spandex leggings, and a cotton t-shirt. I looked at her as she complained that I wasn't dressed for the weather. Up for the challenge I went and dressed for the weather and prompted her to do the same. I came back to a child still wearing the exact same thing and still thinking it would be fine. It was all of 13 degrees outside and the snow was blowing parallel to the ground. 

 lots of wind, little snow

Little dogs playing snowplow 

After forcing her to change pants, put on a winter coat, gloves, a beanie hat and zip her parka, we headed out into the wind with all four dogs. By the time we got to the north side of the house the two big dogs had run off to play in the snow. We headed west around the house to head south with the two little dogs. The little dogs may have been snowplows in a previous life as they drove straight into each snow drift with such enthusiasm you would have thought they had never seen snow before. The wind was at our backs and that helped.

Elsa and Tommy 

Riding Dash in the snow

 I did not want the little dogs to run off so I suggested that they might be cold, and L agreed with me. I think she finally saw the value of the winter weather clothing. We faced the wind and felt the full force of the cold. It was easy to persuade her to stay inside while I tried to call the big dogs back to the house.

Outside, the big dogs were not to be seen. I was concerned that it was cold enough to cause damage to their paws. I started the car and drove out to the main side road and then south a mile to the south pasture. When I looked west, I thought that I saw them in the south pasture. I called but the wind drowned out the sound of my voice. Deep down I knew unless they were right next to me, it was futile to be out looking for them. I turned around and headed back home. As I pulled into the driveway, I saw both dogs running toward the house from the direction of the south pasture.

I parked the car and started walking towards where I had seen them. By the time I arrived at that end of the property they were gone again. Looking back towards the house I did not see them on the porch. Again, I walked to the house and just about the time I got to the chicken house, I fell into a hole. Luckily it was close enough to the fence around the duck pond that I could try to pull myself up using the fence and I did.

After dusting myself off in the house and drying off my phone I got back into the car and began to drive to where I had seen the dogs. As I turned to the south I looked into my rearview mirror and there were my two dogs running back to the house from the north.

They beat me back to the house 

snow is frozen to their faces

I was glad they returned, and it is hard to be mad at them when they look so cold. They went inside willingly. The rest of the day was spent making warm soup and hot cocoa and cleaning L's room.

This morning is cold, 5 degrees, that is colder than the 13 from yesterday and yet the dog and the kid want to go out for a walk. Maybe later... for now each dog gets let out the front door to play in the yard alone. I don't go out with them while they play alone as they won't go far without a buddy.  I know one day I will let them out and they might run off as a pair and come home as a single. I do not look forward to that day. This is why I would like more acreage, so the dogs can run further without running into a neighbor's yard as quickly.

Hard to married to such a picky person, not sure why DH keeps me LOL! Have a great day blog!


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