Fast track and the slow lane

 This week the kiddos have been sick, mostly just the winter cold season coming through, for the second time this year. The coughing through the night is pretty annoying here. I thought perhaps we have more than just the average cold going through, so I took the oldest kiddo to the fast track at the base. When we arrived, I really wished I would have forced the youngest to go with us. There was one person in the waiting room. We were in and out in record time. Negative for strep, negative for covid but positive for the symptoms of a virus. We ended up with a tonsilitis diagnosis.

The kitchen fairy did not visit my house while I was gone. I came home and laid down and took a 6-hour nap. The cleaning fairies did not arrive during that time either. Now it is way past the youngest child's bedtime, and she is facetiming with her cousin. At least it gives me a few minutes to play on my computer. Otherwise, it is very much look at me, look at me over and over again. all. day. long.

This week our homeschool lessons fared better than the week before. We also tried to get our craft items located to start our project. We plan to embroider tea towels for gifts for next year to the grandmothers. These cold symptoms on top of babysitting have really thrown us off course for starting our projects. Our read aloud sessions have also taken a hit. The onion syrup is helping to quiet the coughs, but it is hard to get the children to take it. I take it. It does have a bit of onion taste but not overwhelmingly so.

freshly made onion syrup

Our honey has turned to sugar so I have to put it in hot water to liquify it to add to the onions. Funny though, once with the onions it does not seem to harden again. I wonder why that is, but not long enough to research it. The pantry challenge from January has continued into February, we have made progress at emptying the freezer a bit for new meats. Usually, this time of year the pork is at its' best price. I have only checked on the bacon price and it was $3.47 for a 24oz. package two weeks ago. Sadly, it was sold out.

It seems this winter has brought more colds and flu symptoms to our home than I can recall in the past couple of years. Then again, these years have flown by in this house. Too much has happened to remember it all. I try hard to feel "comfortable" but there is something odd about the layout of this home. It seems "sectioned off". In our old home there was an exit in each direction. NSEW on almost every floor. And bathrooms at each end. Yep, I was spoiled. The house in town only had 2 bathrooms, but they were both centrally located. One above the other on each floor. As much as that house had features that I did not want, (hence the reason for choosing it) looking back the only really bad feature was the sloping backyard. The rest were things that for a small house were okay. The acoustics for me were really good. I could sit anywhere upstairs and hear the kids outside, or in their rooms, or even in the garage.

I thought in choosing it because of those features I did not want; it would be easy to let go and sell it. I was wrong. I have to go over to that house this week and weed the front yard. It is overgrown and the rocks are not even visible. We also need to fix the fence. But enough whining about homes for today. I am on my search for ways to make this home more comfortable for the balance of my days. DH is no longer in pursuit of a new home unless he can build a hobbit house in the side of a mountain, and, well, I do not want to live in a hobbit house. So, I will make this house become what I want it to be. Also, now that I do not work near as much as I would like to work, I cannot go out and just purchase a house and move. I think if I did, I would. 

I still have several other houses in the back of my mind that I like, and I still peruse the internet looking for the perfect or almost perfect house for all of us including SIL, as of yet I haven't found it. It needs to have 4 bedrooms on the main level but not all clustered together. There must also be 3 bathrooms, or at least 2.5 bathrooms on the main level. A level walkout to the yard and a fenced area around the house to keep SIL from wandering off. Also, it must have at least 30acres and a pole barn, chicken house, and barn for other animals. It ideally cannot be too far from a town, so that the kids can have friends, and a hospital that can handle small emergencies. I know, dream on... and I will!

For the moment I will slow down and enjoy what I have being what it is. All for now! 


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