The mailman returns!

 For two days this week we did not have mail. I received a postage due envelope last week and finally remembered to put it back into the mailbox with the required funds. This was how I discovered we did not have mail for a few days. There were no tire tracks in the snow. Not in the fresh snow and not in the crunchy snow. Yesterday we hit the motherload for mail! 

Today I received a box of candy from a friend in Japan. That was the postage due notice and the envelope with the funds that I gave to the postman was taped to it. Stating no postage due. They tasted so good I would have paid twice the postage had I known and sooner! 

Today my youngest asked if I would call the neighbor and see if she could come and play with her grandkids. I didn't want to call because the grandkid that is her age doesn't like her and has stated as much. But she was persistent, so I texted. No reply for quite some time. That is typical between her and I as we are both quite busy with the people that run our lives. To my surprise as dusk hit the neighbor responded. She was willing to have the older child some other day or perhaps tomorrow. No mention of the younger child. The older child would not go because of the new puppy they have, she did not want it to jump all over her, as puppies are known to do.

I responded thank you for getting back to me and sorry, but the older child declined. Her next text was weird. She asked what the problem was, is the older kid too old for her grandkids now? If so, she would not bother to invite her again. Still no mention of the younger kiddo being invited to come play. I said no she just wasn't up to it right now. I did not mention the puppy and the jumping stuff just because well, I didn't think it necessary, and she might think us rude as that is what puppies do. Again, she repeated what is wrong is she too old to play with the grandkids now? So, I had to explain that no that is not what I said or even meant. I explained that it was the younger child who wanted to play not the older, but the older might come another time. Deaf ears, again. I just let it go and continued with my pantry work.

partially moved

some canned goods had to be put back

Things are not working out with the pantry the way I would like but it will do for now. Once we get the shelves put up in the basement, I can move the less used small appliances down there or the canned goods or both. Lord knows I need the exercise that using the stairs would provide! It is just the motivation to get them moved down there. The knees do not appreciate the stairs.

It is time to get the kids ready for the tomorrow. You know dipped in water, dried off and tucked into bed. Likewise, I would like to have the same treatment. I am tired and tomorrow is a new day! I might finish something that actually needs to be done.

But before that I must find a missing pig... explanation will follow another day dear.


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