Just another Friday...

 It is the next day after the encounter with the "hole" and I feel it. I am not sure what the hole was as it was covered in snow when I "discovered" it. I did not go out today and look for the hole. I did go to the mailbox and put in an envelope to pay the postage due on a package that was sent to me. Not sure where the package is from but there is postage due. 

snow in the door jamb 

As cold as today was, it was better than yesterday as there was no wind, well none to speak of. I should have made bread earlier in the day, but I put it off because we have so many store-bought bread products still on the counter that need to be eaten. I am still contemplating not making it tonight. I do not like to freeze bread if I can avoid it. So, I rather bake it when it doesn't have a lot of competition.

Good morning, the grandkids are here, and the house is filled with the noise of kids having fun. Okay maybe it is the noise of fussing, they sound very similar at times. I am typing in a few words as they play, and the littlest is still asleep. She is on the couch and the noise of the older kids having fun will keep her sleeping longer than normal. She finds comfort in the noise level.

no worries, she won't fall 

Outside of the house the weather line spins in the breeze, it may become wind before too long. It is supposed to warm up a bit today and I sure hope it does. I might even get dressed before noon if it does! For now, I will encourage the kiddos to have either bagels or muffins for breakfast as they need to not get frozen either, the food not the kids. Although...

Weather line

 AKA the umbrella style clothesline

It moves in the slightest breeze

I call the clothesline the weather line with good reason, if it is moving, I can tell it is breezy or windy depending on the speed. If it is wet then it is raining, if it has a shadow, it is sunny, if it is covered in fluffy white stuff, you guessed it! It is snowing!

Today we clean the refrigerators and hopefully get one moved to the basement. I would rather have one in the garage as opposed to the basement. However, the garage doesn't exist yet. My thought is to put one in the basement and use the space for an appliance shelf. Yes, I could get rid of all the small appliances, but I am a hoarder so that won't work. I like my shiny toys. Perhaps I need to rethink my plan.

1800 sq ft on this level

and they insist on playing under my feet

their goal? block any clear path 

On to more important ideas! It is time to plan the garden and get seeds started. I have picked out a few things that I want to plant in containers vs the things I want in the ground. Squash and melons and tomatoes need to be started this month in containers for transfer to the ground when the time is right.

none of these got planted

 nor any of these

I also want DH to plow part of the old pasture area to plant millet, sunflowers and corn this year. If I am to stay here on this land it needs to be productive this year. My kitchen garden is going to be in containers, hopefully water trough containers, but pots will work if that is all I can get. In the meantime, I made a run to Costco and now I am $140 lighter in the wallet.

SIL fell at her apartment today, no injuries, but I went over to see her anyway and drop off pull ups. That always makes me regret having her move out to her own place, but I have to remind myself that it takes more than just me to care for her. It is a constant guilt trip for me. 

Well, good night blog, time to check on a sore puppy and put kids to bed.

not sure why he is hurting but he is


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