
Showing posts from September, 2019

Evaporated milk, Reader's Digest and condensed soup...

It is Fall! The weather is crisp and cool... until late in the afternoon then it gets a bit warmer.. at least in the house. After being unable to pick apples because the orchard was closed before we arrived, we went to a park. It was freezing cold compared to the day before when our high was 80 degrees. The kids needed jackets, which thankfully were in the party van. I, however, did not have a sweater, jacket or even a blanket save the one I was crocheting. So the visit to the park was short-lived. We picked up our Wal-Mart grocery order and then headed to Goodwill where I was lightened of $20 on Beanie Boo toys from McDonald's. No matter, the kids enjoyed opening the packages and playing with the little treasures they found inside. Bonus feature was they haven't had these at our local McDonald's since our home burned down so no duplicates! And no ketchup on the carpet from half eaten food! There is much to do today to get ready for the upcoming week. Doing all t...

Christmas is how far away?!?!?

In  February I tried to motivate myself to crochet again. I wasn't sure of what to try and make but I was hopeful that I could help alleviate some of the stress I was feeling. Nothing could have been further from the truth. However, I have since started a blanket for the oldest Grandson for Christmas this year. He recently got to move to a basement bedroom in their house and has been allowed to "redecorate" his mom's old sewing room and make it his. While trying to locate my missing wallet this past week I ventured into Wal-Mart and purchased the yarn in the colors his mom said he would like. Funny that you don't realize something like your wallet is missing until say you want to apply for a job and you cannot prove who you are. But if you carry a little cash you can buy some yarn! It was a toss up on which gray to chose so I sent a picture to mom. We went with the darker gray and a dark blue. I think she wanted to make sure his sister didn't swipe it ...

The drama plays on...

There are so many days that I wonder  "Did I do the right thing in leaving?" The drama continues and the new manager doesn't take advice or even seek advice. It's the residents that are going to be affected as the staff will leave and the new staff will not care. I know that sounds drastic but the manager does NOT want them getting to really know the residents. No hugging, no sitting for a few minutes and listening to stories, no enjoying a few minutes to hear about a new great grandchild, none of the things that make the building their home. It has been 30 days since I "left". Of course it hasn't been 30 spent away from the drama as everyday or two someone makes contact. That is most likely why I have doubts about my leaving. Would I go back? No. It has taken all of those 30 days to decide that but no, I would not go back. I miss most of the residents, not all of them, but most.  I have to add that while this is all depressing and stuff... The time ...

How did I not see this coming?

When I left my job in August I expected some backlash. I expected that a few things would change and yes there would be some who would be upset. I expected that management would work hard to keep things even-keeled  and as smooth as possible for the residents and the staff too. I expected they would respect the workers and their schedules... I expected way too much. It is disappointing to see people who work hard and care even harder be treated like they are sloths. Better yet be told they have been trained the wrong way and everything they do is wrong. Not hey we are going to make some changes around here. Lets get together and have a meeting to set the ground rules. Nope. Nada. Nothing! Well that is not entirely true... write-ups are flowing like water. Change is inevitable in everything. But there is no reason to make things more stressful than they have to be. Perhaps that is my non confrontational side speaking out. My confrontational side wants to walk up to the instigato...

The day after hangover.. Birthday party hangover that is....

What is it about Birthday Parties for kids that wear me out? I mean really we were the guests and nothing was required except attendance.. how hard can that be? Well if you have or know a spectrum kid you might understand.  There is the task of getting ready that can go extreme either way. They can fully co-operate or seize the moment to raise holy cane! Having more than one... loads of fun! Also loads of challenges. Patience can be at a premium some days. Over the years I had collected a closet full of  "gift" items to please just about any age. This eliminated running out to the store with any kids in tow and last minute stress. Well, after the house burned down my "closet" has become a plastic tub. Unfortunately every time I leave the house and have DH watch the kiddos it becomes their mission to seek and destroy any secrecy surrounding the contents of the "tub". This house is less than a fifth the size of our old home. This leaves fewer hiding p...

Cheer meeting, Broken nose and Fast track...

Well today was a very lazy day over all. It started out with no hope of having any study time and did not disappoint. Last night #10 ran into a wall and had all the makings of a broken nose. Too bad I was not home when it happened. I had just finished picking up #9 for "yes" club. (no it is not a club where they learn to say yes to their parents)  Number six was watching #10 and had just started to get ready to go to her own home and leave DH in charge. (another way of saying the kid would be on her own). She started to say goodbye and then I heard the scream. Number 10 and DLGD were running around the kitchen/living room and #10 crashed nose first into the wall. Totally missed the doorway. Blood, screaming and tears were in control at this point.  She sent me a picture of the injured nose and I thought "yep that's probably broken".  I suggested that she have DH look at it since I was still twenty minutes or better from the house. Typical male response in my...

Monday, Monday.. Tuesday, Tuesday... Procrastination

Yep I figured it out! The reason the song is Monday, Monday is because Tuesday, Tuesday does not flow like the other does. Yesterday we should have played the wipe-out song from years ago it would have matched the events of the night. The boo boos incurred by number 10 were painful looking. This caused number 9 to become hysterical.  Is it a distraction tactic? Or is she really that emotionally connected to her sissy that she understands and feels the pain? The answer may lay, at least partially, in the statement that she made once she quit crying. Little bit  (10) was on the couch getting her wounds dressed. Standing in the kitchen, 9 pouted and said "nobody is paying attention to me, just to her" and began crying, again. Time will tell I guess and my to do list today involves a trip to Denver. It is going to be a very long ride. Hopefully I will return in time to do my homework for my class this evening. It is noon already and my task is not done.  It may make get...

Big Mac Salad review... Wait I'm sorry he wanted Gyros not salad!

Well Big Mac Salad won out for me at least and Bell pepper soup for DH and spaghetti letters for the littlest and I really am not sure what #9 ate...   Before the dressing... and the pickles... It was pretty darn good and I didn't miss the bun!  Tonight is Gyros, they are okay but I probably won't make them again anytime soon. The meatloaf sliced very nicely, smelled delicious but lacked the flavor associated with the aroma. DH was very happy with it and after all he is the one that really wanted them so that it all that matters! The tzaktziki sauce made the flavor. Without that I would not have finished it. Tonight DH is going over to number 6's house to watch a football game. Good I think... The girls have most of the school work finished for regular school and Rey rey just rang the bell so I shall cut them loose to ride scooters and work on the rest of math and spelling later or in the morning. No EP tonight.  It's Monday so it was change the sheet...

Nutella..Nutella and more nutella

It seems as though the youngest only eats Nutella. Breakfast, lunch on the weekends and dinner any day that is her go to food. She doesn't take it to lunch at school because she would have to sit at the PB&J table. But here at home she can eat it here or eat it there. She can eat it anywhere! And she does. Organization is not my strong suit. However, I plan to get a handle on that soon. I mean having your house burn down changes lots of things so why not take this opportunity to organize paperwork as I am able to replace it. Can't replace everything but I do need certain things. While I am taking time to learn computer skills at the library I am also trying to finish some of the other classes that I have signed up for and then neglected. I would also like to keep the blog updated but posting more than once a day will not be happening anymore. In fact it may have to cut down to a few times a week. After all quitting my job has put a decrease in material to write/gripe ab...

My first interview in 20+ years..... scary!

As I struggled to fill out the application for a position with the county I thought to myself... when was the last time I had to go through an interview process? I'll be honest, I cannot remember the last time I had to interview to get a position... The county workers that were assisting with the job fair came out to give a pep talk and basically said we are doing on the spot interviews for the following positions... yada yada yada.  Whoa! I really was expecting that we would go around to a bunch of tables drop off resumes and check back later to fill out applications.. on paper. Times have changed beyond my ability to adapt. Once I was finished the screen popped up and said the county has received your application. Wow! I finished but I could not add all my experience, operator error I'm sure. I could not add all my schooling. But I was able to add my objective! Here it is: "To obtain a position in which I can make a difference somewhere between "would you like...

Saturday Night Fights... wait it is 0530 not night time!

It is 0530 on a Saturday morning. Children should not be awake much less fighting! In one hour another child will join the festivities so her mom can go to work. The fighting will get more exuberant depending on who she decides to side with in this argument. I need a cup of coffee... And the dog has the binky....That should cause a ruckus!! This morning, the name "mom" has been hollered out on average every 45 seconds. That's a whole lot of "mom" being needed. So now the play dough is going to be put away and one child is going to have to go ride her horse while the other one gets off her "high horse" and put her "miss bossy pants" back into the closet for the day. There is a job fair with the county today. Number 4 and I plan to go check out what's available. I mean really holding a stop sign in the dead of winter actually sounds better than making medication decisions right now. I have passed the information to all of my former ...

Too tired to care..

Today is Thursday for a little longer anyway. Unknowingly, I set myself up to fail today.  I did get some things paid and some things done but as usual not all that I needed. That was the end of Thursday because I had to pick up a small child so her mom could go to work.  Unfortunately mom had thought it was Wednesday so she and little one slept all day in order to be rested for the night ahead. The night that involved staying home and cleaning house watching all night movies, not the one that involved a small person going to a babysitter to sleep. So there was no sleep for a few hours and by then it was Friday morning. Time for school! No one wants to go there are Barbie grocery carts to play with! Little one will go home in a couple of hours. Mom said it is going to be really hard to go in tonight. It is just too overwhelming. I'm glad I quit my job. I'm even more glad she is planning on quitting her job. She works at the same place I did and she deserves better than ...

Did I mention Homework this year?

Last year the Special Education teacher was concerned that with my spectrum kiddo going to fourth grade that the homework load was going to be overwhelming. At the time I really thought he was referencing the child involved... turns out I am the one overwhelmed. Sooo glad I quit my job! I started out just fine that first day... then school was over for the first day. It has been a downhill slide since.  Moving along nicely... The IEP from last year has not been implemented so each week #9 has brought home 30 spelling words. Never in my entire learning experience was I given 30 words to learn in four days! Or even 7 days! Needless to say the pain that I felt trying to force that many words into her vocabulary each night was palpable. This picture describes it. This past week I thought I will ask the teacher for the list on Friday and hopefully give myself a couple of extra days to study! Dutifully I wrote in the planner making my request plain.  That is when #9 says...

Today has already been a day!

Holy moly! Within two hours of starting my day it has gone to where am I going and why am I in this hand basket? DH did not wake up in time to drive them, I had not prepared lunches or backpacks the night before nor laid out any clothes. These things did not help. But persevere we did. I drove off to get the little nippers there on time with a plan of not returning until I had accomplished two items on my to do list. About half a mile from home I realized I did not have the all important phone with me.  In some societies this is a mortal sin... I live in that society. Had DH woken up he would have called me immediately. I would not have answered. This would cause mass panic in one body. So around the block we go in an attempt to return home for the phone. One wrong turn and I am further from home as opposed to closer, silly subdivisions.  After I got on track with the correct street a chorus of screams erupted in the back seat. "There's a spider" was all I heard between...

Homework is not for the faint of heart.

This weekend was full of adventure and challenges. The balloons from the balloon fest were almost visible from the balcony of our little house. If you look really close at the mountain range you can see the little dots! I was up time to go to the launch but my laziness won out and I stayed home. On Sunday we went to the splash pad after our bible story time and the girls enjoyed getting wet and of course #9 begged and begged for lunch out. So we did go to Wendy's for lunch soaking wet! Bathing suits are over rated! When you're hot who has time to change? Just do it and enjoy! Each year we have visited the various "Humpty Dumpty's" around town. So of course we had to take a before the water and an after the water picture with this one. Didn't seem to bother Humpty either way... Homework had to wait the days are slipping away and the paper and pencils will keep. Their smiles are worth enjoying the day for and certainly outshine the angst t...

The Broom...

Brooms are handy. You can sweep with one, you can swat with one and you can ride one! Unfortunately I cannot find mine and I'm sure there are those who think I must have parked it somewhere but alas, I cannot even sweep the kitchen floor tonight.  This is my new she shed. It was going to be a playhouse for the girls. But I have decided it shall be my new hideout.  These shelves will be handy should I decide to put something on them. And this furniture can store Some things too.  Maybe this golden key from the weekend might be handy.  The horse that looks a bit Mule'ish might be happy in here too! And of course a little of this stuff might not hurt either! Well if I'm going to have a she shed it may as well be well stocked! For real though I could put my sewing machine in there and hang out while the kiddos are at school and it might be fairly comfortable. I mean add a chair and a fan. Oh and let's not forget a broom to sweep the floor....

Camping!!! Labor Day!! Balloons!.... Melt downs!!

What a busy weekend so far! I remembered that I do not do heights very well. I can fly. I can climb on Helicopters. I can climb up ladders. I cannot drive up mountains and come back down. When it was suggested to go up into the mountains and visit a reservoir I was all for it, until I had time to process the idea of going up and then having to come back down. Why? No clue. I love flying and landing. I love helicopters working on and flying in. I don't love ladders but I can climb one and not be panicked. I cannot watch other people do it but I am fine if it is me. So it either a control issue or I'm just that weird. All said and done we headed for the plains instead of the hill's and went to Bent's Fort. We arrived shortly before closing time and were able to visit without a fee. I hadn't been to this site in 25 years and a WHOLE lot had changed! There were modern bathrooms and paved parking just to mention a couple of things. There were also real people dre...