Today has already been a day!

Holy moly! Within two hours of starting my day it has gone to where am I going and why am I in this hand basket? DH did not wake up in time to drive them, I had not prepared lunches or backpacks the night before nor laid out any clothes. These things did not help. But persevere we did. I drove off to get the little nippers there on time with a plan of not returning until I had accomplished two items on my to do list. About half a mile from home I realized I did not have the all important phone with me. 

In some societies this is a mortal sin... I live in that society. Had DH woken up he would have called me immediately. I would not have answered. This would cause mass panic in one body. So around the block we go in an attempt to return home for the phone. One wrong turn and I am further from home as opposed to closer, silly subdivisions.  After I got on track with the correct street a chorus of screams erupted in the back seat. "There's a spider" was all I heard between shrieks of panic. 

Trying to calm three screaming girls is always hard but in a small car with a spider (of unknown size I might add) proved even more challenging. As I tried to say "where is he?" they were all screaming louder "in your hair!". This rhymed with where so I didn't quite catch it as the group continued to screech. Try as I might to remain calm, there was a spider in my hair, it was not easy. I ran into the house grabbed my phone and tried to swish a spider out of my hair without squishing him into my hair.

By the time I returned to the car I found the spider crawling on my arm. I quickly brushed him away and continued on to the schoolhouse. (BTW he was very small) Once the kiddos were unloaded the real day began. A trip out to the property, a call to an old workplace, back to town and pay bills and try to not buy out the supply aisle at Walmart. Then head to pick up the kiddos.

Do I look as tired as I feel?

Be careful how you answer that question.


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