Cheer meeting, Broken nose and Fast track...

Well today was a very lazy day over all. It started out with no hope of having any study time and did not disappoint. Last night #10 ran into a wall and had all the makings of a broken nose. Too bad I was not home when it happened. I had just finished picking up #9 for "yes" club. (no it is not a club where they learn to say yes to their parents) 

Number six was watching #10 and had just started to get ready to go to her own home and leave DH in charge. (another way of saying the kid would be on her own). She started to say goodbye and then I heard the scream. Number 10 and DLGD were running around the kitchen/living room and #10 crashed nose first into the wall. Totally missed the doorway. Blood, screaming and tears were in control at this point. 

She sent me a picture of the injured nose and I thought "yep that's probably broken".  I suggested that she have DH look at it since I was still twenty minutes or better from the house. Typical male response in my book... "yeah it might be but they won't do anything for it anyway so why waste the time?". Grrrrr… But what can I do I am not there. 

After dropping off the little guy that came over after school and of course saying hi to the residents that crossed my path to the fourth floor. My boss is being very chilly to the idea that I still talk to the staff and to the residents. But I digress, I hurried home by way of a CNA's home to drop off a pair of crutches for her mom. (long story for another day) The injured child was asleep. Her nose definitely looked quite swollen.

So I decided when she woke up I would take her to urgent care and see what if anything could be done. That was a not the best idea. DH had plans to go to the property, childless, and that meant two whiny kiddos to the urgent care. Half way to the place I have two really crabby patties in the back seat. Talking over each other in an effort to gain my attention, my attention was on was on the triage phone call I was making … yes while driving.

The very kind lady on the line could not find us in DEERs so urgent care was out of the picture and a drive to Fort Carson wasn't sounding pleasant either. So I made the command decision to wait until morning and hit the Fast Track at FC. Believe me "Fast Track" is an oxymoron. We sat there, we two with nothing to do. Just stare at  the wall and do nothing at all. Okay it's true I love Dr. Seuss!

As we sat staring, waiting our turn, the little looks up and says "it not hurting at all". I squeezed her nose she didn't flinch! It still looked swollen but didn't feel swollen if that makes any sense. So after sitting two hours and 15 minutes we checked out at the desk and went shopping! Probably not the best idea but it's done.

Cheer meeting was scheduled for after school and more than a dozen little girls showed up. After the teacher gave the homework up to date and no missing school my older kiddo dropped out! LOL Wise choice! The younger still wanted to participate though...


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