Monday, Monday.. Tuesday, Tuesday... Procrastination

Yep I figured it out! The reason the song is Monday, Monday is because Tuesday, Tuesday does not flow like the other does. Yesterday we should have played the wipe-out song from years ago it would have matched the events of the night. The boo boos incurred by number 10 were painful looking. This caused number 9 to become hysterical. 

Is it a distraction tactic? Or is she really that emotionally connected to her sissy that she understands and feels the pain? The answer may lay, at least partially, in the statement that she made once she quit crying. Little bit  (10) was on the couch getting her wounds dressed. Standing in the kitchen, 9 pouted and said "nobody is paying attention to me, just to her" and began crying, again.

Time will tell I guess and my to do list today involves a trip to Denver. It is going to be a very long ride. Hopefully I will return in time to do my homework for my class this evening. It is noon already and my task is not done. 

It may make getting to class harder than I thought. I wanted to stop at a couple of stores up here instead of just rushing back down to the Springs. But I am not sure that will be possible.

Before I headed out on my journey yesterday I was able to get kid closets organized. All their clothing had been in spread between three closets and only one of those was located in a child bedroom.
Why? Because only one closet had the hanging rod installed. Now that was put on a honey do list and got done!
 So number 9's closet is the above picture and number 10's is below.
 It surprised me how many clothes they actually have. I have whittled laundry day to once a week and as you can see it will not be a problem. They both have plenty to get by with and probably dress a friend. I will get vacuum bags for the blankets and try to get those organized this week.

Next up.... The container cupboard!! Ugh! If I didn't really need these it wouldn't seem so daunting! But neither kiddo likes school lunches and I don't like plastic baggies.

Might not take as long as I feel like it is going to take but I won't know until I get started... Procrastination, I have made it an art!


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