Did I mention Homework this year?

Last year the Special Education teacher was concerned that with my spectrum kiddo going to fourth grade that the homework load was going to be overwhelming. At the time I really thought he was referencing the child involved... turns out I am the one overwhelmed. Sooo glad I quit my job! I started out just fine that first day... then school was over for the first day. It has been a downhill slide since. 
Moving along nicely...

The IEP from last year has not been implemented so each week #9 has brought home 30 spelling words. Never in my entire learning experience was I given 30 words to learn in four days! Or even 7 days! Needless to say the pain that I felt trying to force that many words into her vocabulary each night was palpable.
This picture describes it.

This past week I thought I will ask the teacher for the list on Friday and hopefully give myself a couple of extra days to study! Dutifully I wrote in the planner making my request plain.  That is when #9 says "I have my words in my backpack". So I go through her backpack and I do not find a list of words. I did this to both backpacks hoping it was in one kid or the other's. I found nothing.

No spelling words in here...

Monday was a holiday so of course she wouldn't see my request. Tuesday came and went with no response. Wednesday I decided I would go pick up the kids and while there I sent #9 back into the school to ask for the list. She came back out and said "My teacher emailed it to you". Rather irritated I went into the school myself and made it plain to the teacher that email would not be how I communicated with her and could I please have the list of words for the week as they seem to have been misplaced. 

If they are in this room....

She looked at me like I was from Mars and stated I would have to wait until she transferred the room full of kids to another teacher about 3:15. I agreed to wait. They don't keep a hard copy available it is all on computer. Okay, I get it, I guess... well not really but it is what it is. I passed the time by standing against the wall and watching the "after school care" program. It is free and it seems quite chaotic. The teachers are the main caretakers and they switch off so no one teacher is burdened to stay and care for kids after dealing with them all day.

Finally she has printed the paper and we begin to walk to the printer. As we go she mentions the words are the same as the previous week! Good Grief!! Where was that noted?! Could she have just mentioned that when I asked for the printed copy? I would have headed home and just practiced the flashcards we already made with #9. So instead of getting ahead by a couple of days we are now 5 days in arrears!

Now is the time to play the Anger Dice game from https://www.andnextcomesL.com

I must take a deep breath and remember to be thankful for the free babysitting that I receive Monday through Friday most weeks. The only cost is emotional...


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