Big Mac Salad review... Wait I'm sorry he wanted Gyros not salad!

Well Big Mac Salad won out for me at least and Bell pepper soup for DH and spaghetti letters for the littlest and I really am not sure what #9 ate...

 Before the dressing... and the pickles...
It was pretty darn good and I didn't miss the bun! 

Tonight is Gyros, they are okay but I probably won't make them again anytime soon. The meatloaf sliced very nicely, smelled delicious but lacked the flavor associated with the aroma. DH was very happy with it and after all he is the one that really wanted them so that it all that matters! The tzaktziki sauce made the flavor. Without that I would not have finished it.

Tonight DH is going over to number 6's house to watch a football game. Good I think... The girls have most of the school work finished for regular school and Rey rey just rang the bell so I shall cut them loose to ride scooters and work on the rest of math and spelling later or in the morning. No EP tonight. 

It's Monday so it was change the sheets on the beds day. I don't mind it but these adjustable beds are not easy. But they are done. Just in time... number 10 has wiped out on the sidewalk. Number 9 is screeching at the top of her lungs as she runs to get help.

I'm not sure who is more hysterical the kid that fell, DH or the kid that ran for help! Well that's it for this post folks!!!


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