My first interview in 20+ years..... scary!

As I struggled to fill out the application for a position with the county I thought to myself... when was the last time I had to go through an interview process? I'll be honest, I cannot remember the last time I had to interview to get a position...

The county workers that were assisting with the job fair came out to give a pep talk and basically said we are doing on the spot interviews for the following positions... yada yada yada.  Whoa! I really was expecting that we would go around to a bunch of tables drop off resumes and check back later to fill out applications.. on paper.

Times have changed beyond my ability to adapt. Once I was finished the screen popped up and said the county has received your application. Wow! I finished but I could not add all my experience, operator error I'm sure. I could not add all my schooling. But I was able to add my objective! Here it is:

"To obtain a position in which I can make a difference somewhere between "would you like fries with that?" and "does the victim have a DO NOT RESUSCITATE?". Any position on that spectrum would be enjoyed by the applicant."

When my name was called to be interviewed by two people in a small room I decided it was best to take charge of the situation. I promptly introduced myself and gave each participant a copy of my resume. I then started asking the questions. My first question was did the position fall on the spectrum listed in my objective statement? The male subject answered quite appropriately that there will be customers that feel they are going to die if not given their way. I totally understand as I have been that customer a time or two.

I then turned to the young lady and asked if owning 27 vehicles would grant me any "points" say like the veteran points that you can use when trying for a Federal position? Again, the gentleman began to answer... I looked him straight in the eyes and stated "Sir that was for her to answer". Now for some reason he thought it was his turn to ask questions. I stared off for a minute, the question was simple he asked if either of my references would say something positive about my attention to detail. 

I let him know that I really wasn't sure that my most recent supervisor would even entertain a call in reference to me. I explained that he had asked me to make a false documentation in a chart of a deceased resident. Also, that I had refused and felt that I could no longer work for someone that considered that I might do that at all. As for my second reference I feel she would be honest, well as honest as she would know about me. I think she would feel that I could pay attention to the little details of paperwork.

But I also feel that she doesn't know me very well in that respect. I'll be honest I really enjoyed being out without the kids, trying to act like a responsible adult and look for employment. I don't really feel I want to work at what was advertised but I could learn the job. I can do anything for fifteen minutes! I thanked them for their time and let them know that while waiting I had been forwarding the website to the caregivers, CNA's and QMaps that I had been working with and I would hope that regardless of how my interview went they should get plenty of applicants!

No matter how this turns out I enjoyed getting dressed up in a skirt and blouse and going out with my daughter to apply!


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