Too tired to care..

Today is Thursday for a little longer anyway. Unknowingly, I set myself up to fail today.  I did get some things paid and some things done but as usual not all that I needed. That was the end of Thursday because I had to pick up a small child so her mom could go to work. 

Unfortunately mom had thought it was Wednesday so she and little one slept all day in order to be rested for the night ahead. The night that involved staying home and cleaning house watching all night movies, not the one that involved a small person going to a babysitter to sleep. So there was no sleep for a few hours and by then it was Friday morning. Time for school!
No one wants to go there are Barbie grocery carts to play with!

Little one will go home in a couple of hours. Mom said it is going to be really hard to go in tonight. It is just too overwhelming. I'm glad I quit my job. I'm even more glad she is planning on quitting her job. She works at the same place I did and she deserves better than how they are treating the staff now that I'm gone. She can go to agency and make as much an hour and get paid every week instead of twice a month. That would be so much more beneficial to her. Emotionally and financially. But for this month she needs to stay working while she works on starting her own care services.

 This little pony is headed to town!

The dishes remained in the sink last night. A bad idea I know. But I was exhausted and they weren't going any where. And they didn't, the same pile is there this morning. It's good to know that they don't just run off and cows don't just jump over the moon.

School should last longer than it does, I never seem to get as much done in the time they are gone as needs to be done. Tonight though I was one step ahead... dinner had been planned. In fact, it was in the instant-pot when the kids came through the door.

Now to get the kitchen cleaned and the dishes started. Maybe a shower too lol. Good Night....


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