Christmas is how far away?!?!?

In  February I tried to motivate myself to crochet again. I wasn't sure of what to try and make but I was hopeful that I could help alleviate some of the stress I was feeling. Nothing could have been further from the truth.

However, I have since started a blanket for the oldest Grandson for Christmas this year. He recently got to move to a basement bedroom in their house and has been allowed to "redecorate" his mom's old sewing room and make it his. While trying to locate my missing wallet this past week I ventured into Wal-Mart and purchased the yarn in the colors his mom said he would like.

Funny that you don't realize something like your wallet is missing until say you want to apply for a job and you cannot prove who you are.
But if you carry a little cash you can buy some yarn! It was a toss up on which gray to chose so I sent a picture to mom. We went with the darker gray and a dark blue. I think she wanted to make sure his sister didn't swipe it from him.

What was even funnier in a not ha ha way, was that when I started trying to remember when I had last seen my wallet... I couldn't. Now I am the first to complain that DH has a terrible memory. Turns out mine isn't any better. So I called the bank and put a hold on our accounts. Tried my darnedest to recall the week. I did come up with about four places I could remember being.

So after searching all the phone numbers I started calling places. I found it! Of all places it was at the same Wal-Mart that I bought the yarn pictured above. Clueless! That's me! So back to Wal-Mart I go and get the wallet. Everything that had been in it was in it. Of course the debit card and my driver's license were not in it. But then I wasn't really sure they had been.

Then low and behold I found the debit card in the pocket of a travel bag.  Guess I must have thought I was going somewhere.
Well at least things got a little straightened up while searching for the lost items. Funny for a person that lost everything in a fire, I have a lot of "stuff"! So hopefully the license will appear shortly and I won't have to replace it. Life goes on. Perhaps I can downsize a bit more before we move out east again... 


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